Hi there Rikki, Tony,
ok I admit the "nobody pays attention to my posts" was a joke fom my part.
After all, most people here want a good arranger to make business and money with, and software arrangers do not (at the present time) offer this thing. Or to be more exact, there yet a has to be a keyboard controller that can be used with OMB and VST's that has buttons for fill-ins etc the way hardware arrangers have had all those years. Such product would be a god send.
Side note: I will soon choose some midifiles I got off the net with a midi sent to me by Rikki, and I will do a sort of A/B comparison of various softsynths. I played with the idea yesterday, basically I load as many as I want, mute all but one and let it play a midifile, then simply unmute the next and mute the former and so on. Since most songs contain backing tracks that last for several measures before changing, you will be able to immediately hear the differences between the VST's, instead of waiting for the song to finish and then hear the other version. Preliminary verdict: Hypersonic2 GM is the most crisp of all, not that you expected anything different.