It's 9PM here on the East coast, and 2 of the "Three" Stooges just left.
Donny and Fran came to fiddle with the VA76 and we had a nice dinner before the session.
You should have seen us three ...... trying to figure out why the volume was so spiratic ...... we never thougfht to look on the floor !(at the EV5 expression pedal, that I forgot i hooked up
In playing the sustain, we accidently bummped the EV5 and lost most of the volume !
(Idiots for the moment)
After that - we had a pretty good time comparing notes on an instrument that we are already somewhat familiar with.
No big surprises - great sounds, great styles, LESS than great real time control of things like:
octave shift
manual bass
part volumes
seq play
lots of hidden menu stuff. If you set up performances ..... it's got a lot of potential, but for "on the fly" adjustment ....... what a nightmare. It'll live very happy on my studio desk till something else excites me.