While I agree that it would be some more stuff to haul around, just think of all the tube heads out there these days. I used to eat in a sports bar that had no less than 25 TV's! It just gives people something to stare at.
On the other hand, could you have imaginined someone like Liberace performing so you couldn't see his hands? That was a major portion of his show. And what was he really doing most of the time?, playing a bunch of arpeggios up the keyboard and then lifting his hands off the keyboard in his theatric way. The audience thought he was a genius, and while he was very good at what he did, those arpeggios were simple and used for flash only.
Since I don't sing, as of yet, and actually probably don't need to, I think if anyone would benefit the most from a monitor it would be the instrumentalist keyboard player.
Probably just a player going tinkle, tinkle isn't going to make it worth it, but if you're a player that has some fingers and/or at least a flashy way of moving your hands on the keys and controls then that could make it more worth while.
Anyway, just wanted to check in with the gang. Sounds like a little more work than I want to do moving things, unless I was the "house band" on a long term engagement.
Scott Langholff