Although the Behringer Truth B2031 speakers are sold in "pairs" each pair is certified Acoustically matched when they leave the factory. And at $399 a "pair" such a bargain is not to be found anywhere else that I know of that has such great quality sound for such a low price. They have been compared to the Mackie 824's and from what I understand, some people prefer them over the Mackie 824's. The Mackie 824's are 3 times as expensive. If I could have demo'd the Behringer Truths in person I would have most likely bought them but nobody around where I live carries them. If you don't mind not being able to demo them in person, George Kaye sells the Behringer Truths at his store in Reseda, CA. Plus when you buy from George you get his exceptional customer service and support.
You want to hear something really weird? I purchased a set of Yamaha MSP5 monitors a short while back. The MSP5's are sold individually. Well I purchased two of them. One from a GC near San Diego and the other had to be shipped from a GC up near Los Angeles. Guess what. The serial numbers on the speakers are in successive order, ie., exactly the same serials but one's last number/digit is 1 higher than the other. Talk about being sonically matched! What are the odds of that ever happening!! Slim to none in my estimation. These speakers were probably cut from the same mold, and right next to each other on the the assembly line, probably made by the same assembler, on the same day and most likely with the same batch of materials.

One thing I know for certain they sound absolutely fantastic. I would be hard pressed to find better monitors for the size, and the great Bass output that these have.
Best regards,
[This message has been edited by Idatrod (edited 06-07-2003).]