#177553 - 10/14/07 01:05 PM
Re: What will we be using in ten years?
Senior Member
Registered: 09/29/05
Posts: 6703
Loc: Roswell,GA/USA
Originally posted by Tony W:
[b] I just don't believe that they were ever intended or designed to be, professional instruments.
Chas, I'm sorry but this smacks of musical snobbery to me. As long as arrangers have been around there has been this fear that they somehow negate the skill of percieved 'real' musicians. [/B]------------------------------------------- It's musical snobbery because I said I didn't think arrangers were intended as a "pro" instrument? It's my opinion, nothing more, or am I not entitled to have one? Would a musical snob own TWO (Tyros2 and PA1x pro)? I just don't (or wouldn't) use them to gig with. Not flexible enough for the type of music I do. That's the reason, pure and simple. If that makes me a snob, what can I say. I don't sing and I enjoy playing with other musicians; I don't do OMB gigs (don't have the requisite skills for that) and my preferred instrument is the organ (followed by piano). I would feel uncomfortable (in public) sounding like a complete band when the audience can plainly see that I could not possibly be playing all these parts. This does not make me a snob. It makes me someone who plays in an environment that I feel comfortable with. I think I'm allowed to do that without having to feel guilty about it. Different strokes for different folks. I belong to this forum because I am totally intrigued by arrangers. What I do with them and how I perceive them is my business alone and I don't think I should be called on the carpet because my opinion doesn't happen to be the same as yours. ------------------------------------------- I must have spent a massive part of my teens practicing my scales at the behest of a dragon in the guise of a sweet old piano teacher. Of course now I am glad I was subjected to such torture....but I certainly don't think that this makes me any more of a musician than someone who learns chords and has only ever played an arranger. [/B] -------------------------------------------- Depends on how you define musician. In my mind it absolutely makes you more of a musician; not necessarily more talented, but definitely more of a musician. ------------------------------------------- I have never understood why someones musicianship is somehow related to their choice of instrument.... [/B] -------------------------------------------- It's not. If you suck on one instrument, you'll likely suck on another. ------------------------------------------- When I was done with this 'toy' I passed it on to my mates little brother who had never shown the slightest interest in music, or instruments of any description. He just thought it was cool. These days he is a session musician and probably one of the best pianists I have ever heard. [/B] ------------------------------------------- And does he still play arrangers? On sessions? ------------------------------------------ My point is that it should be less about the tools and more about the music. Anything that inspires people to create music should be welcomed and not feared by those who think that a few bells and whistles challenge their own abilities. [/B] ------------------------------------------ Where and at what point did I indicate that I feared arrangers. If that were the case why would I have the wretched things in my house? -------------------------------------------- Ten years time?.....we will still be having the same discussion because human beings have a desperate need to promote their own skills and abilities by trampling on those of their fellows. [/B] ------------------------------------------- Could you point out examples of that my posts. The larger question is; why are you so defensive? And why me? Others have expressed the same sentiment. ------------------------------------------- Best wishes Tony x [/B][/QUOTE] Tony, since this was directed at me, I have to assume that the "Best wishes" is said with a bit of sarcasm. That's okay. I sometimes do the same. Rarely with strangers, but sometimes. In the meantime, lets not forget that it's all just opinion and we're all entitled to them. Peace, chas
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]
#177555 - 10/14/07 03:07 PM
Re: What will we be using in ten years?
Senior Member
Registered: 09/29/05
Posts: 6703
Loc: Roswell,GA/USA
Sorry Tony, no minefield here. I believe it was YOU that started your post with "Chas, this (your post) smacks of musical snobbery". If any mines were laid, I believe that was the defining moment. On this board, if you choose to name names, followed by re-interpreted quotes, you can expect to get a response. If you are a long-time lurker, you should know that. Very nice bit of spinning, though (in your last post), to cast me in the role of the bad guy and you (and all arranger players) as the injured party. Not difficult at all, as I already have a dedicated cast of boo-birds. I really liked the part about being dragged into a fight and threatening to go back to lurkersville. Here's a tip. Got an opinion, express it. You don't need to re-write my script to conjur up support for your point of view. You're a very articulate guy and have obviously learned a lot about the art of spin (been listening to the Republican debates?  ), and your protestations of innocence will play well with many on this board; however, there are also a few very bright guys that also reside on the premises who will perceive this whole situation accurately. chas
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]
#177557 - 10/14/07 04:27 PM
Re: What will we be using in ten years?
Senior Member
Registered: 11/17/99
Posts: 1150
Loc: netherlands
Here we go again...  Within 10 years the arranger will probably still have the same buttons/sliders/keys or whatever, but the contents will be quite different. Probably only O/S + mainboard, processers, ram and audio card. All the rest will be software instead of hardware, which basicly means that your arranger keyboard changed from arranger to controller keyboard. The reason is obvious. It's much cheaper so commercially very interesting. Fred
Keyboards/Sound Units: Kurzweil 2600S, Roland VR-760, Acces Virus C, Roland G-800, Akai AX60, Minimoog, Machine Drum, Roland R8-M, mediastation x-76
#177561 - 10/14/07 05:29 PM
Re: What will we be using in ten years?
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14367
Loc: NW Florida
So much of the reason for arrangers getting the thumbs down from session pros is the deliberate dumbing down of the feature set, IMO.
Roland use a Fantom engine, Korg use a Triton, Yamaha... not sure if the engine is Motif based, but many of the samples sure are. But where they diverge is the depth of control. Zone ranges... Most workstations make no rules to follow. Any Part can play any range of keys, or velocity range, or a combination of both. Arrangers.. Fixed assignments to Upper, Lower, MBS, sometimes a third split. But nowhere NEAR the flexibility of their WS cousins.
You can't blame the engine. It's well capable of any of this. It's the software, the assumption that, if we get enough choice, it will confuse us. As if getting into the depths of TVNs and Style editing isn't complex enough already...! These arbitrary choices you are forced to make on arrangers, effects routing, zone ranges, tone editing, even patch storage and recall, etc., etc., are most likely the reason many pros eschew arrangers.
Shame, really, as very little needs to be added in the way of OS improvements to compete with workstations. But, of course, therein lies the problem. If arranger capabilities WERE grafted onto full WS OSs, that would be the end of the WS as we know it. And profits stay high when we are forced to buy TWO different products to do two jobs, rather than making one capable of both. Money, pure and simple.
Mind you, the last couple of sessions I've been on, I've taken my G70 in to do piano parts, rather than use the Kurzweil K2500X in the studio. That piano is so warm and intimate, on the right material, it is giving even the Steinway a run on a few tracks (we have a 1928 baby Steinway). And on live call gigs (no idea what we will play) I'll take the G70 over my K2500 simply because it is easier to call up sounds and effects for splits and layers in a hurry. If I have a lot of time to prepare for a show, then probably the K2500 gets the edge. But for fast and simple meat and potatoes, the G70 can't be beat.
But I sure wish it had MORE flexibility, and editing depth, and I might be able to let the K2500 go... Nah! I still need a great sampler and some whacked out sounds from time to time (two of it's strengths)...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!