What happened to the Thomas Brothers?
The PSR740 songwriting team ...etc etc ?
Hello once again Synth Zone friends...it's great to know that you guys are still thinking of us.

How has everybody been? Uncle Dave, Donny, Mario, Jedi, George, Scott Yee, and friends...how have you all been?

And yes, we are still composing music, of course!

I compose music everyday and I cannot stop thinking about creating music. I apologize for not coming out here as often as I would like...but, as many of you know, I am busy moderating my own forums at
http://www.webquad.com along with my twin brother Robby.
With this said, my Mom is still very sick and has to deal with extreme fatigue, migraines, neck pain, neurological problems, etc, etc, etc.

My twin brother Robby still has his constant neck pain and he has to deal with his neck pain everyday. And, at least once a week, he deals with a migraine. Everyday is like this for both of them...I just wish I could make a wish and all of it would go away.
But, on a positive note, I am currently working on a lengthy composition. I would like to share it with you all when I am finished with it. The composition fits under the category "movie music" since my intentions of creating the composition was for the movies.

It has a bold theme to it and I hope you like it when I share it with you all.
Also, after that composition is finished, I would like to record a short vocal demo and get your opinions. I am kind of "shy" when it comes to singing...so don't make fun of me if my voice isn't as good as some of your vocals!

It is good to be back out here on the Synth Zone and I will always be visiting this place as long as I live.

Talk to you later and I hope everybody is doing well,