Originally posted by TP123:
I have spent 3 years seqenceing and arrangeing tunes for my voice, style, etc. and I play keys on top
Maybe i should just give up... which is the first time I've ever felt that way.
Your story sounds a bit like mine, without all the accomplishments

First, I'm a businessman, making money to pay for the nice things we have.
Secondly, I'm a wanna-be musician, based on prior years of playing keyboards in many venues.
Third, I spent an entire summer putting together songs, promos, etc, with intent on supplementing my income, while having fun.
So, I finally got booked, played a 3 hour coffee house job for $50.
End result? - Next day put all my gear on eBay and went back to being a hobbiest

Conclusion - The dream and addictive draw NEVER ends. I find myself wanting to repeat this scenario again and even now, have another keyboard, mic, etc - uh oh.
For me, there are not enough hours in the day to compile the necessary goods to take to the public. But my dream will never die and as long as I remember to NOT QUIT MY DAYTIME JOB, I'll be OK.