#178499 - 11/25/05 03:10 AM
Re: Allow me to say goodbye
Senior Member
Registered: 08/22/04
Posts: 1457
Loc: Athens, Greece
Claudiu, what people really meant when they said "check this other forum" was simply "check this other forum", and not "leave us alone" or "get outta here" or "oh shit, here he is again". I hope you understand that.
I also hope you understand that if you were "not welcome" in this forum, they simply wouldn't say "please don't leave", like they say above, they would remain in silence.
So there are enough people caring here to justify your stay here. And yes, there are other forums "specializing" in other music genres, and you are free to explore them, that doesn't mean you HAVE to leave here to do it. See Rikki's post above.
As for the "annoying" thing, I recently posted my PERSONAL opinion on how to write better, more articulated (is that the right word?) posts, because I believe they will yield better results. I recommended you to have patience, yet after 1 day, you say you are leaving because no one answered "a simple question". If I remember well you are very young? and if you are I understand that you wouldn't have that much patience. Wouldn't it be more appropriate to at least stay for a while, slow down a little and try what I proposed? If you like of course. Theodore
#178500 - 11/25/05 03:59 AM
Re: Allow me to say goodbye
Registered: 01/26/04
Posts: 152
Loc: Lisbon, Portugal
#178502 - 11/25/05 05:56 AM
Re: Allow me to say goodbye
Registered: 11/02/04
Posts: 147
I'm sorry to read that you feel unwanted on this forum. Please allow me to explain my own approach, which will hopefully allow you to see things from a different perspective...
I don't post very often; I only do so when I feel strongly about something, or think that I have useful knowledge to share.
In response to a question, I sometimes refer a member to a web page or another forum. My reason for doing that is to provide additional help, and never to say "Go away".
Although I'm in the "50+" age group, I'm not easily offended by "bad" language, and certainly nothing that I've read of yours has bothered me.
Obviously, I'm speaking for myself, and not other SZ members, although from reading the posts above, it seems many agree.
May I suggest that you give SZ another chance? Not that it's a good excuse, but all of us have a bad day sometimes, and things can be said (or misinterpreted) that aren't really meant.
Best of luck, whatever your decision.
Yamaha: Motif XF6 and XS6, A3000V2, A4000, YS200 | Korg: T3EX, 05R/W | Fender Chroma Polaris | Roland U-220 | Etc.
#178504 - 11/25/05 07:36 AM
Re: Allow me to say goodbye
Registered: 03/08/05
Posts: 31
Loc: UK
For my part, I¡¦ve never received anything other than helpful advice and encouragement on this forum. As someone said recently on here, the board has been going for so long that it has become more than just a talking shop/help desk for arranger boards. It has become a meeting place for old friends. Many seem to have made friends through the board long ago and there is a real sense of community here (for example; note the many well wishes for George).
I think that makes it even more remarkable that there is no cliquiness on the board and that the community is very inclusive. There¡¦s a real enthusiasm for helping out newbies to the point of being willing to answer the same old questions over and over again.
Like you, I get excited when buying new gear and eager to learn as much as I can as quickly as I can. The temptation is to take advantage (in the nicest sense of the word) of the goodwill on this board. Unfortunately, apart from the few lucky enough or talented enough to make music full time or those that are retired and enjoying a well earned rest (yeah right, meaning having to do all those jobs for the wife, you put off for all those years ƒº) the rest have full time jobs to do and can¡¦t be at our call 24/7.
I certainly don¡¦t play the type of music I suspect most on here do but that doesn¡¦t mean I can¡¦t learn anything. On the contrary, listening to other peoples¡¦ styles and opinions, especially when it comes from someone on a very different track from me, is probably the most rewarding.
Have patience my friend and you¡¦ll find this board to be one of the friendliest and most helpful on the net (and I¡¦ve tried a few).
#178506 - 11/25/05 09:17 AM
Re: Allow me to say goodbye
Registered: 08/12/02
Posts: 673
Loc: malaga, spain
Claudiu, i agree with everyone else, you already are a part of this site, i go to other sites as well as here,i have a psr 3000 and there are specialist sites that deal with my board,i can ask questions from others and get a rapid reply, bit this site here is better in that apart from friendship,here it covers much wider fields,it won,t be long before it will be YOU that is offering advice to others who have problems that YOU know the answers to, stick around,mike
#178507 - 11/25/05 10:33 AM
Re: Allow me to say goodbye
Senior Member
Registered: 10/08/00
Posts: 4715
Loc: West Virginia
claudiu, I'm not going to say leave or stay. This is decision that's up to you. If you feel that you're bothering others with your questions I have to disagree. That's what this forum is designed for. It's for arranger owners to talk, ask questions, share life experiences, and so on. I'd say that 90% of the time that's what happens here. We do get off topic from time to time though. Another thing to take into consideration is the keyboards owned on this forum. Some models arent as great in numbers here. Example: If you have a question about a PSR-2000/3000, Tyros 1 or 2, and a Korg PA series you'll tend to get answers quickly. There are quite a few 3000 onwers and Tyros owners here. I and a just a few others have Casio WK-3500's. Several own Korg PA's, some Ketron SD's, and even a few GEM's. I do remember the VA series being owned by several members. I just haven't seen many posts about it lately (until you joined the forum). Not to say it's not a good keyboard. The VA-76 is a very nice arranger. Thing is that there are probably just a select few that can answer your questions regarding this keyboard. Seriously.., ask a question about the PSR-3000 and see how my responses you get  Fran's a good source for your VA questions. There may be a few others as well. I rarely have posted a question about my Casio WK-3500. Like many I belong to several forums. My keyboard is rare on this forum. So many of my questions go to another Casio Forum for those answers. You're not alone on the (genre) of music here. Myself I like to play some blues, some jazz, but I'm also very big into HipHop, R&B, and some Rap. I learned a long time ago that these styles aren't popular here. It's also understandable too. I hate to see any forum member leave. I've been here for over 5 years now and things have gotten pretty heated lately, but the bottom line is we're all here for one reason. That's our love for music and arranger keyboards. At times that subject can get lost on this forum, but we eventually get back to it. It's your choice to stay or leave. If you decide to leave I'd hate to see you leave with the feeling of being unwelcomed and unwanted here on this forum. Squeak [This message has been edited by squeak_D (edited 11-25-2005).]
GEAR: Yamaha MOXF-6, Casio MZX-500, Roland Juno-Di, M-Audio Venom, Roland RS-70, Yamaha PSR S700, M-Audio Axiom Pro-61 (Midi Controller). SOFTWARE: Mixcraft-7, PowerTracks Pro Audio 2013, Beat Thang Virtual, Dimension Le.
#178508 - 11/25/05 10:35 AM
Re: Allow me to say goodbye
Registered: 11/02/04
Posts: 147
Originally posted by claudiu: ..and i log in, and post things that i want to know about and i don't get answers very quickly... Claudiu, I just realized that there may be a very simple explanation as to why you aren't seeing some replies as quickly as you'd like; it's possibly due to the Earth's rotation  . Seriously, central Europe is 7 hours "ahead" of the US east coast, and it's 10 hours when compared to the US west. If you should post one of your questions when you first wake up, it could be 7-10 hours for those of us "over here" to see your message, even if we log onto SZ when we first get up. I know that not all members are in the US, but maybe this accounts for some of the delayed response. --Barry
Yamaha: Motif XF6 and XS6, A3000V2, A4000, YS200 | Korg: T3EX, 05R/W | Fender Chroma Polaris | Roland U-220 | Etc.
#178514 - 11/25/05 12:33 PM
Re: Allow me to say goodbye
Senior Member
Registered: 10/08/00
Posts: 4715
Loc: West Virginia
Claudiu, Feel free to ask me any questions about the Casio WK-3500. You can either post here on the Zone or use my email address listed under my SynthZone profile.
Best Regards, (glad you're staying) Squeak
GEAR: Yamaha MOXF-6, Casio MZX-500, Roland Juno-Di, M-Audio Venom, Roland RS-70, Yamaha PSR S700, M-Audio Axiom Pro-61 (Midi Controller). SOFTWARE: Mixcraft-7, PowerTracks Pro Audio 2013, Beat Thang Virtual, Dimension Le.
#178522 - 11/26/05 04:28 PM
Re: Allow me to say goodbye
Registered: 03/15/05
Posts: 45
Loc: Fremont,CA.
Originally posted by church: OOPS!hit the button,sorry.Sometimes I feel the same way when I post,Knowbody Answers ,in my mind because I think no one cares,or when they do answer,I go into a long answer or Question,so some people will remember,and say,"oh it's him again",our minds can play with us.I heard the music when you posted 1st,was good but not my type.It was pretty bad How someone told you good bye to you,I thought so,but I find sometimes you have to turn the other cheek,after correcting confronting the person.I'm sorry it went that way.Hope you stick it in there with us?I belong to other Keyboard sites forums,they are all great,sometimes I do feel like a family,because we have the same likeness in music.It's hard for me because all of my Friend,and Family here at home are Non- Musical,they don't care,and no support from the wife,because I want the latest in keyBoards,and the best $$$$.Don't we all?I feel for you.We always can forgive,yes, I know,butwe don't forget,so we have to let go of it,it's hard to.Take care Ron