#178966 - 01/05/05 08:19 AM
Re: Finally Purchased a 'Music Pad Pro-Plus' Music Viewer !
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 12800
Loc: Penn Yan, NY
Originally posted by SemiLiveMusic: I always assumed you could SOMEHOW rig up a laptop to scroll lyrics as you played. I very seldom read on stage, but I do occasionally, when perfroming something new in my repertoire. In these cases - I have a NotePad file ( Word has too much wasted space in the doc )that takes up about 1/2 the screen. A simple push of the "enter" key opens it up, and I move the cursor into the scroll bar .... that way, the mouse button scrolls in a flash. There is always a second or two that you can move your hands around, so when a page turn is needed....just reach up - hit the button and BAM! you're there. Rarely do I have more than 2 pages .... they are only lead sheets or lyric sheets, not notation. If you read a lot, I can see justifying the purchase of such a gadget, but I stand by my decision to perform as much as possible from memory. I don't want to rely on a crutch, even if I only need it once in a while. From a "gadget" stance ..... it's a very cool toy, but for that cost - I think the thrill would have to last me for a long time...then there's the additional cost (or time) in getting the music INTO the unit. Hours and hours of scanning, editing, cataloging....just seems like more time than I have to devote to something that's very trivial in my shows. Sometimes, for a wedding song - I'll just scribble a few chords on a 3x5 index card and sit it on the laptop ..... I don't want to take my eyes off the bride ! [This message has been edited by Uncle Dave (edited 01-07-2005).]
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#178967 - 01/05/05 12:16 PM
Re: Finally Purchased a 'Music Pad Pro-Plus' Music Viewer !
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Originally posted by SemiLiveMusic: There was (is?) another model that came out about the same time, over two years ago. I don't recall the name but same concept. SemiLive: I believe you're referring to the earlier model (same brand) of the MusicPad Pro Plus, because as far as I know, Freehand Systems is the only company (so far) with a device like this currently for sale. On the other hand, here's a bit of the LATEST news re: electronic sheet music devices. There is ANOTHER company (eStands): http://www.estand.com/products.html currently in the final developoment stage of producing a competing eMusic device which will directly compete with Freehand System's MusicPad Pro Plus. Unforunately, from what I've heard, their devices are going to be even more costly to purchase. On the other hand, the eStand solution includes a Windows XP software driven OS, which will make it possible to run on a standard PC (Windows XP) or PC laptop computer as well. If this software which promises to accomplish the same features as included in the MusicPad Pro, then this (if software is priced low enough) may be the best economical solution to editing, managing, and displaying eMusic both in the studio and on the gig. Like I've reinterated before, my purchase of the MusicPad Pro Plus includes a risk free 30 day full money back (no questions asked) return policy. If it doesn't work out, no big deal. The purpose of this device is not merely for use ON STAGE, but even MORE SO, for rehearsal work in the studio. The ability to conveniently mark-up the music, be it a lead sheet, lyric-chord chart, or fully flushed out score, is of paramount importance to me when working up an arrangement for my show. This affords quick edits/changes without pencil/paper, and then just having to take ONE electronic pad (no extra fakebooks, sheets of paper to lose, or fly away, etc) to the gig. And yes Uncle Dave, 'of COURSE', as has been REPEATEDLY reinterated by both you and me here, we must NEVER let music lead or lyric sheets become a stage distraction. Though performing EVERYTHING completely memorized or by ear is preferable, I see nothing wrong with using lead and/or lyric sheets when required, as long as they don't distract you from your performance or draw attention to your audience. Because of the nature of our work, there is NO WAY we can be expected to know the RIGHT chord changes or lyrics to EVERY song request out there. If one's repetoire is limited to 100 songs, I might expect full memorization, but there are thousands of other songs which I'm familar with and can play (on the fly) too, if only provided a lead sheet/chords & lyrics. Hey, fullfilling often obsure song requests can often reap the biggest tips, and I'm NOT ashamed use a lead sheet as a crutch if I have to. Ok, as I said before, I promise to give you guys my hands on candid impression of the "MusicPad Pro" soon. Scott 