#178984 - 01/07/05 08:14 AM
Re: Finally Purchased a 'Music Pad Pro-Plus' Music Viewer !
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Registered: 07/09/02
Posts: 1087
Loc: Atlanta, Georgia
Originally posted by Uncle Dave: Tom, Reading is no crime, in fact I know many players woule be lost without charts. I just feel very strongly about the "front man" approach, and as a solo entertainer, I'm definately out in front. And I'm sure that if your trumpet player really wanted to ... he could memorize Proud Mary. It's a case of priorities. It must not be that important to him. The benifits of memorizing a song go so much farther than just allowing eye contact. It allows the performer to "connect" more fully with the song without the barriers of sight. It's just one take on it, but your opinions are always well stated.....unless you're making fun on Don Mason or me !  No. This is still typical of your condescending nature. Your post is again riddled with put-downs... I don't even think you are capable of discussing a topic without resorting to this. Let's see how the shoe fits the other way around: I am as much a solo entertainer as anyone on this forum, and I choose to use music... choose being a very important word. It's not a crutch or a limitation or a lack of priorities. My "priority", as you put it, isn't to memorize "Proud Mary" much less to play in places where it would be needed. My priority is to play great and often complex music the BEST and most accurate way. If I did play the same stuff that many common bar acts do then I certainly wouldn't need to read music either. When I sit-in with common bar bands it's totally without music and usually without rehearsal, because we're going to play the SOS that bar bands have played for decades and we know it. But when I play solo I am not playing easy bar music and I'm making a conscience decision to use the best tool available - written music. Any professional speaker would know how to use their notes or prepared text and still make eye contact with the audience. It's a sign of their professionalism. Reading music is no different but it may require skills that less capable musicians might not have.
Jim Eshleman
#178985 - 01/07/05 08:30 AM
Re: Finally Purchased a 'Music Pad Pro-Plus' Music Viewer !
Senior Member
Registered: 06/25/99
Posts: 16735
Loc: Benton, LA, USA
I wish I could go without seeing the lyrics. I can do, I'm guessing, a thousand songs without looking at charts or lyrics, but there are many more with which I use the laptop to see lyrics/chord changes. It has to do with the situation. I play in a lot of places where there are many off-the-wall requests. Tips are good in these places, and I often make more in tips than what the job pays. For example just last night I had a request to do a song I haven't done in many year. Had to use the lt to remember the words. In other places, such as my up-coming casino job, I will do mostly pre-planned sets, no requests, no charts. I'm looking forward to it. You guys can bash personalities as much as you want. I'm not going to do it any more. I'll just ignore the flames and assume everybody means well. Famous last words. Alfred E. Newman is still my hero. DonM
[This message has been edited by DonM (edited 01-07-2005).]
#178993 - 01/08/05 09:43 AM
Re: Finally Purchased a 'Music Pad Pro-Plus' Music Viewer !
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Originally posted by Scottyee: Face it! Uncle Dave. You rely on crutches too Reply posted by Uncle Dave: Sorry - nope . . .
and then Uncle Dave goes on to say:
I very seldom read on stage, but I do occasionally, when perfroming something new in my repertoire. In these cases - I have a NotePad file ( Word has too much wasted space in the doc that takes up about 1/2 the screen . . . Uncle Dave, I really think you're just a HYPOCRITE blasting me & others because we may occasionally use chord charts or lyric sheets when performing, and now exploring the possiblity of the MusicPad Pro for not only this purpose, but for studio reheasal work too. I find having charts handy, not only convenient, but a neccesity to fulfill audience requests for songs which I may be familiar with, but just don't know the changes or all the lyrics to. Yes Uncle Dave: we've discussed this MANY times before, and you 'ALREADY KNOW' that I concur (with you) that a successful stage show requires 'no music' on stage by the lead performer, but for those daily grind bread & butter bar-restaurant, nursing home gigs (where BOTH you and I work) of where the atsmosphere is a lot more relaxed & casual, relying on a fakebook or chord chart & lyrics now and then, or even MORE than less: is "NO BIG deal", and even lends to the folkiness of the affair. Frankly Uncle Dave, I have to agree with Jim Eshleman (Pro), because I realize the ONLY REASON you decided to BRAG (yet again) about how you don't rely on music chart props (of which you now confess that you do  ), is because you just wanted to RAIN on my parade about the MusicPad Pro. I'd don't normally bother to respond to your often frequent tactics to comment on topic threads which really don't bear your interest other than an excuse for you to to distract the member's interest BACK on "YOU" again, but like the Pro, I think this time, this particular one warranted me voicing my feelings. Scott