Scott - CALM DOWN! Yamaha does indeed support a GM sound set (NOT GS, that's ROLAND)too bad it sucks....big time. The XG and panel voices are not included in an SMF sequence, so anything that is commercially recorded will sound like crap. GM is the standard - NOT GS. Roland developed GS as a "super set" to GM, and Yamaha and Korg do not support that. Even Rolands own JV line is NOT GS - only GM, and the drums are terrible compared to the GS setup. So don't expect to see GM/GS go hand in hand in all things.
This is an age old problem - we all want everything to do just what "we" need. Too bad the manufacturers have developement teams that don't always agree with us! With alittle "tweaking" most high end keyboards can be made to perform pretty well, but they all have weaknesses - Yamahas'is the midi file playback. Sequences that are recorded ON a 9000 will sound much better than a standard GM seq from another user.
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