Diki, I disagree with you...The basic question was...is the so called arranger workstation ..a workstation...and it is...
Even the G70, does have sound edits..maybe different methods of saving[user programs instead of tone banks...so what]
All typical "workstations have different detail features...
You can just as easily select features on a Arranger Workstation, that are not found on a "workstation" only board..
You are given false impressions of capabilities of arranger workstations, and in particular, the G70..
Nick , just because Diki says so, doesn't make it true..

Stop making it more complicated then need be...The Arranger workstation..is a workstation...anyone that has "worked" with one knows that...
Diki , maybe you can enlighten us all...tell us what important tone edits that the G70 and other arrangers from Roland's previous models are lacking...most of the common edit features are there..and yes you can save them....just have to take another avenue that may be different from the typical workstation...
A side point ..typical workstations utilize arpeggiators...to simulate what typical arrangers can do better...play style patterns.....No contest..Look around , and you see new workstations trying to copy arranger features...limited as they are...
We can get just as frustrated .." working" with arranger workstations, as we can "working" with typical workstations......that alone should qualify it as a workstation..