Detailed editing is one of the essential features of a workstation. K2600, MotifXS, Oasys, FantomX, M3 etc., ALL of these have editing capabilities FAR in excess of just about ANY arranger (possibly PA1X excepted).
They ALL have extensive arpeggiation capabilities (unlike most arrangers) and are capable of the production of ANY modern style of music AS WELL as older styles (unlike most arrangers).
They ALL talk fluently to ANY other piece of MIDI equipment, no matter the dialect of MIDI they need to hear (unlike most arrangers). Sys-ex, ANY type of controller codes, ANY channel, any of which can be mapped to any controller the workstation possess, which are usually FAR in excess of most arrangers.
They usually don't make ANY assumption about how you need to split the keyboard, either by position (at LEAST eight zones is the norm) or by velocity (again, multiple overlapping velocity splits is the norm).
They ALL (except for the least expensive) have samplers, with VERY detailed (down to the sample start and end points and loop markers (usually several loops and often release loops), and again, VERY detailed voice editing, usually with multiple choices of filter types and curves.
MOST of them have multi-track audio recorders built in, with close to DAW capabilities (not simple two-track 'capture' devices, with next to no editing)...
'Why would anybody NEED all of this?' probably a lot of you are asking... This is why you are playing arrangers. You DON'T. You need the interactivity and 'get out and go' attitude that an arranger is best at (me too, don't get mad at me!

But please don't think that just because it has the word 'workstation' on it, that it compares to a MODERN workstation...