#180629 - 10/18/03 09:53 AM
george kaye
Registered: 08/12/02
Posts: 673
Loc: malaga, spain
hi george,i realise this may be a difficult question for you being a dealer ,but you supply all the top keyboards genysis,korg, tyros, ketron,etc you must have your own favourites,i would like your opinion as to how they compare, on a scale of 1to10 without treading on anyones toes,mike
#180632 - 10/21/03 12:56 AM
Re: george kaye
Senior Member
Registered: 11/24/99
Posts: 3305
Loc: Reseda, California USA
Mike, I'm sorry to take so long to respond. I was away from my home this weekend and when I read your post, I had to think about this question for a day. Because I stock all of the top arrangers you mention and demo these daily at my store,I find that my own preference regarding which I like the best can very from day to day when I show each model and what each keyboards strengths are depending on a customers needs. If I had to give a 1 -10 rating for the top arrangers in my store, here is how I would rate them and why: I'd give a 9 for the Yamaha Tyros. I love the sounds and how easy this keyboard is to navigate. I love how quickly I can call up and play midi files and styles direct from the hard drive. Where it might come in a little below some of the others is that yamaha has chosen not to use real audio loops in creating styles. I like everything about this keyboard. The ability to sequence all parts at once or one track at a time. The ability to play a midi file and mix a styles tracks with the midi file in real time. How good the vocal harmonizer works. I'd give a 7 for the Ketron SD1plus. I really like the styles in the SD1, however, some of the voices are not as "clean" as I would like the samples to be. The interface takes some getting used to and if there is a low point on this keyboard for me it would be that the 16 track sequencer doesn't match up to some of the other models mentioned. Also, Ketron has not made the polyphony match that of the Yamaha and Roland keybaords. I'd give an 8 for the Genesis Pro. This keyboard has just about everything I would want from a top arranger....Very good sounds, styles and a very strong 32 track sequencer. I like having the CD burner, the ability to play WAV and MP3 files, record audio, a very strong vocal harmonizer, but.......only 64 voice polyphony lowers it's rating a bit. The screen is good, and although easier to use then the former WK6/8, the interface is still very similar to the older models. I would also like to see at least a 10 GB hard drive be able to be used (I've been told Generalmusic is working on this). The Korg PA80 is a 6 for my american and european style music customers and an 8 for my middle eastern musicians. The korg offers very good all around styles and Korg has done a great job of supplying middle eastern styles and sounds on both their website and on their Arabic/Turkish Flash card. The operating system could be improved (I've been told this will happen with the release soon of the new PA1X). There are plenty of styles, but only 2 intro's and ending's, I like the backing sequencer and the sounds in the PA80 are very good, but the acoustic sounds I like better on the Tyros and the Genesys. The vocal harmonizer can be added but is not up to the Tyros, Genesys or SD1. Finding styles and songs on the hard drive(if installed) is not as fast and easy as the Tyros. The Roland VA76 changes in my mind from at times being a 5 to at times being a 7! I like Roland sounds a lot. The sounds are warm and realistic, especially those in bank 4 which include sounds from the newest Roland keyboards. Most of the styles are quite musical but lack some of the excitment I hear in the others. GEM, Ketron , Korg and Yamaha offer more dramitcally orchestrated styles in their keyboards. However, when mixed with the variphrase sampler, the 128 note polyphony and over 3600 sounds and the best feeling keyboard of the bunch, I often find myself standing around the store playing this keyboard alot. The negatives would be not having a vocal harmonizer and only having a floppy and zip drive (instead of a hard drive). The sequencer in the VA products is a very good 16 track and like the Tyros with the push of one record button, every track can be recorded at once with a different sound, style, layer, etc. being able to be recorded without having to stop playing and start over again. There is no provision for step time recording. So, this keyboard goes up and down in my mind depending on ones needs. Going down to a lower price range, I really like the Yamaha PSR2100 and think it offers the most bang for the buck. I would rate this keyboard a 9.5 for the under $1300.00 price range. The styles, sounds, vocal harmonizer and user interface is one of the best. If only we could install an internal hard drive..........are you reading this Yamaha? The Korg PA60, which I would rate a 7, is right behind it with almost all the features of the PA80 but with smaller keys, no aftertouch, not as many rear panel patching features and no sampler like the PA80 has. The DGX500,DGX300, are also very good keyboards, but I've not been asked to rate any of these lower models. It is important for me to point out that all of these keyboards are wonderful products with different features and benefits. There is not a model here that I wouldn't love to own. It really comes down to what will serve the players needs best. George Kaye Kaye's Music Scene Reseda, California 818-881-5566
George Kaye Kaye's Music Scene (Closed after 51 years) West Hills, California (Retired 2021)
#180638 - 10/21/03 01:39 PM
Re: george kaye
Registered: 08/12/02
Posts: 673
Loc: malaga, spain
hi george,thanks for your reply,i,m glad that you took your time to reply,as it gave a good fairly indepth unbias view,which was beneficial to us ,(part of the purchasing pulic),and also the manufacturers,and you did it without treading on anyones toes,hopefully there are manufacturers out there who will have the opportunities to improve their ratings by either,1,a later OS update ,2, make some internal improvements,or 3, reduce their prices,one or more of these changes would certainly make a big differences in their ratings,and hopefully the next arrival of new boards will certainly show this,KETRON,GENERAL MUSIC and KORG ,are already in the process of making some of these changes.our views on keyboards are biased because we compare to what we have and know ,also its difficult for us to try out a new board for an hour or two to make an excellent judgement,whereas your views and experience is highly valued,and appreciated on this site,,,,,,,also it was nice to hear your imput scottyee ,that your opinions were also the same,mike