Originally posted by cassp:
Hi Steve - If you don't mind having a HUGE index, just put all you stuff on a good size memory card and let the database arrange it for you. The only trouble I've had so far with the SMFs is that the database arranges by the files internal name, not the filename. So, I had to go into them all and change the 'untitled' songs to their filenames - a little time consuming but worth it. Now everything is right there in front of me at the spin of the dial. Just wish we could get 20+ titles per pages 
Once you have everything loaded into the database, can't you make set lists that will do what you want? 
Cass, I don't mind a huge index. Whatever it takes to get a setup I'm comfortable with. I'll give anything a try. I got 1 gig card already installed in the board.
Donny, You got it man, I do need to spend the time learning this board. As for the T2 in a closet, that's not gonna happen

Diki, I appreciate your comments on learning this board, they are always helpful. I know you have the experience with it. It's a monster, that needs some taming. I'm sure I'll get it down, just a little frustrating right now.