Richard, many thanks

for performing the comparison test for me. As was discussed on this forum previously: when going out a Yamaha PSR/Tyros keyboard via its single (mixed: L/R) output to a single PA speaker input, keyboard voices which utilize stereo effects (ei: 'Grand Piano' voice) sound severely compromised because of 'phase cancelation' The resulting sound sound is thin, brittle, and harsh. On the other hand, going out the PSR/Tyros keyboard 'R' output only, to a single PA speaker input sounds better, even though it's missing the L channel portion of the sound.
Richard: I found it surprising to discover that you hear 'no difference' thru the Bose PAS between the different audio output cabling configurations as outlined below:
1) Tyros L/R (mixed) 'single output only' to one Bose PAS input
2) Tyros R (right) 'single output only' to one Bose PAS input
3) Tyros L/R & R outputs (discrete stereo) to two Bose PAS inputs
Richard, when performing the mixed 'single L/R Tyros output only' portion of the test, did you remember to completely 'disconnect' the cable from the Tyros 'R' output jack? This is important, as the 'L/R' output on the Tyros only functions as a 'mixed (left and right) signal output when no cable is plugged into the 'R' channel.
Uncle Dave, in hopes you haven't shipped your Tyros out to its new owner (DonM


) yet, I'm hoping you could perform this test and provide your feedback as well, especially in light of the fact that Tony Mads

performed a similar test on his KN6000 and found that he was able to avoid the phase cancellation problem when going out his kb in true stereo (two separate output cables) into a single mono PA speaker, but which accepts two inputs. Unfortunately my EVSxA100's support only a single input so I wasns't able to test this configuration with my Yamaha Tyros or PSR2000. I'm trying to determine if the mixed L/R output problem is unique to Yamaha & their stereo efx produced sounds or not.