Since these two things are diametrically opposed to each other, I thought it might be helpful to all of us to share tips on how to get the two to peacefully coexist. I have a few tried and true ones and encourage you all to add to the list (only add ones that are sure-fire).
1. ALWAYS lie about the cost of a piece of gear, ie. Tyros 2, real cost $3000; cost reported to wife, $397.95 (with the rebate).
2. Always precede your purchase with an unexpected gift for the wife ("just because I love you", etc.). Try to time her gift to arrive just before your gear arrives.
3. Pretend that that new module is really and old piece that you had stored away, dusted off, and put back into use.
4. Wherever possible, pay cash. Don't leave a paper trail such as credit card receipts,etc. If you buy off the internet, print and quickly delete any emailed order confirmations and/or receipts.
5. If discovery is unavoidable, say one of several things: "the store let me try it out for 3 months" (and hope she'll forget it's existence - or yours), "a buddy is trying to hide some assets from his wife's divorce lawyer and asked you to keep it for him for awhile", "it fell off a truck which you happened to be following". YMMV depending on how gullible your wife is.
6. Throw yourself on the mercy of the court (your wife), beg forgiveness (short of taking the gear back) - use real tears, if necessary.
7. If all else fails, what the heck, get a divorce. Think about it, who would you rather spend all day listening to, your Tyros 2 or your wife. Just saying.
8. Lastly, don't let your wife read this post.
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]