If a SD1 owner calls up a style that Ketron has stored on the hard drive (18 styles when pulled out of the box) , all the styles have .snd files that load and attach to the style . When the XD9 was released , all the SD1 users wanted to have the XD9 styles that were different from their SD1.
I believe that the French Ketron forum was sending XD9 styles for SD1 users . I tried the XD9 styles on my SD1 and they ( the xd9 styles) did not sound complete . SD1 owners who have these XD9 styles , do not have the real styles unless they have snd files attached .
If you are a SD1 owner and copied the styles onto a floppy disk ,if it's more than 5 styles , you should check out the new SD1 library that is listed on Ketron's website . More Confusion ???? YES ..... the XD9 styles that went out on the internet have the same titles the same as the "NEW" styles listed on Ketron's website . So ............my goal is to let SD1 owners know that if you have "XD9 styles" for your SD1 , they have to have .snd files attached to make them sound like the style's were designed to sound like .
That's it .......
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