My last gig of the year ended rather UNeventfully ....
except for a small incident at about 12:45 AM. (I guess that makes it my FIRST gig of the year)
Two uniformed police officers barged in, nightsticks at the ready, yelling "Where is he?" - the owner/bartender asks "Who" , and the officer says "I saw a 16 yr old run in here, and if I find him, I'm shutting you down!"
Now....none of us saw this alleged teen, and we were all wondering WHAT was going on??
There was an awkward silence while the officers searched the place, and then it came to me ........
I started to play Nat Cole's "Too Young"...very low at first, but I gradually crept the volume up....little by little. The bartender noticed, and gave me a wink of approval, but no one else responded. After they left (empty handed) I kicked it back into high gear, and we went on with the party. What a way to start the year !
I hate amatuer night.
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