#183228 - 10/08/03 09:55 AM
Re: LIONSTRACS MEDIASTATION X-76...what you think?
Registered: 08/15/00
Posts: 550
Loc: Hayward, CA, USA
I am wondering why the Liontracs people has not discussed about the arranger aspects of the keyboard. This is primarily an arranger forum, and many of us want to know how the fill-ins work, how many variations, intro/endings, styles - all arranger specific functions that are so dear to the live players on this forum. Don't just say, it can do this , it is programmable, etc, etc. Need specifics !
HINT for Liontracs people: just look at the Yamaha PSR2k series/Tyros and how those functions work - if you can just deliver the same functionalities but maybe greater musical quality, you will win. Many of the high end buyers will choose you over Tyros any day. KORG failed with their current offerings especially in the fill-in functions and not sure why it's so complicated to imitate Yamaha's. Yamaha higher end is sooo intuitive, the OS I mean - just mimic that.
And lower your price to around 2k-3k by lessening some of the features then I think you might get mass sales !
#183229 - 10/08/03 10:07 AM
Re: LIONSTRACS MEDIASTATION X-76...what you think?
Hi Mike and Elle... I have a lot of work to do, but when I see this post, I can't not reply... Anyway, good replyes from both. First at all, we dont have NOTHING to hide, is not our fault if you are there in USA and not in Italy. We have here some mediastation samples ready, but all ( except one)are outside our company to our engineers and sound editors guys.Many musician are coming here and saw this keyboards, but of course we are not ready to delivery mediastation now, first we must complete some sofware parts and the big Sound Bank. If you read at top, we have buy one new server in Canada with 60Gb HD for the data and installed the new Postnuke portal. Give us the time and soon you can see all the news, demo sound and video sound. The old Mambo portal are not ready for that and we CANT deleted the date: 18 feb 2003!!It is a bugs in the code of this portal. Again, have patience and then you can see that we dont lie...all is true. At NAMM 2004 we are there with the Music Industries Corporation and in Frankfurt Messe Germany 2004 too. For elle, mediastation will delivered with a sampler disk player too and soon is available the Linux sampler, like the Gigasampler with the same gigasampler library. Anyway, when our portal is ready, I will inform you and all this forum, then we have a forum there too, including demo area, downlod of MP3, MP4, Styles, sounds, patch, performances.. Yust to be patience a little more, then all the world can see that NO lie here... We already get some good offer from interesting company that all you know... but I cant talk about this and NEVER we want leave this mediastation project for others company! This is OUR prestige, I'm sorry... Domenik
#183230 - 10/08/03 10:09 AM
Re: LIONSTRACS MEDIASTATION X-76...what you think?
Originally posted by lukitoh: I am wondering why the Liontracs people has not discussed about the arranger aspects of the keyboard. This is primarily an arranger forum, and many of us want to know how the fill-ins work, how many variations, intro/endings, styles - all arranger specific functions that are so dear to the live players on this forum. Don't just say, it can do this , it is programmable, etc, etc. Need specifics !
HINT for Liontracs people: just look at the Yamaha PSR2k series/Tyros and how those functions work - if you can just deliver the same functionalities but maybe greater musical quality, you will win. Many of the high end buyers will choose you over Tyros any day. KORG failed with their current offerings especially in the fill-in functions and not sure why it's so complicated to imitate Yamaha's. Yamaha higher end is sooo intuitive, the OS I mean - just mimic that.
And lower your price to around 2k-3k by lessening some of the features then I think you might get mass sales ! Dear, read my topis before, I had explain how is working our arranger, I dont want type again... Regards domenik
#183235 - 10/09/03 01:55 PM
Re: LIONSTRACS MEDIASTATION X-76...what you think?
well friends I told before, I don't have always time to come here and post reply....I must working too! Anyway all your request need a reply. Yes, MEDIASTATION HAVE one Arranger...SORRY, HAVE 2 ARRANGER!
Now you want have specification,ok, you get some specifications:
The two Style player playing sound trough the first 128 Voice DSP processor The keyboard will use INDIPENDENT the second 128 Voice DSP processor. In COMBI mode, the keyboard can play UP to 8 Layer sound in the second DSP, Key range, velocity switch, midi Ch and all midi function programmable for each performance.
Standard Arranger feautures under SEQ24 sequencer: Realtime ( LIVE) functions, DOUBLE STYLES PLAYER (Double MIDI File and AUDIO/Wav/MP3, VIDEO File Player, same system)
1 16 pattern arranger: 4 Intro, 4 Endind, 4 variation, 4 Fills 2 16 MIDI channel for each pattern ( 16 parts and not 8 like al the keyboards) 3 16 Realtime Volume: Drums, Bass, Chord 1 to Chord 14, with slider C1-to C8, Bank A/B 4 16 realtime MUTE traks, with Duble Color LED, RED=OFF, GREEN=ON, Key C1 to C8, Bank A/B 5 16 realtime Drums MUTE Variation, is possible turn ON/OFF 16 drums instruments from note range C-2 to C6 6 16 realtime SOLO Tracks Function 7 Key start – ability to start play on keypress 8 Key stop – ability to stop play on keyup 9 One Key – Play chords with one finger [major/minor] 10 Key Hold - Holds chords until next change 11 Beat Change (Live mode/ next quarter note / next pattern ) 12 Jump – Auto jump to next pattern 13 Break – Restart Style 14 KeyPad Intro/Ending/Fill/Variation – Set what is playing next relative to Beat Change 15 Midi In Chord translation – Select Proper Tracks (Major, Minor, 7th, 7thdim) 16 Realtime Trasnpose of Midi (not CH10) 17 Realtime Tempo Change 18 Crossfade from one Style to the another, 16+16 MIDI chanel used to 2 MIDI OUT Indipendent
Editing Styles:
1 Full edit MIDI event list parameters 2 Piano Roll function 3 Full MIDI patchbay matrix to 14 MIDI OUT, indipendent for each PATTERN! 4 32 insert AUDIO.Wav in each Styles 5 Audio Pitch shift mode: change the pitch and the Tempo 6 Audio Scretching mode: change the pitch but NOT the Tempo
1 Remote Midi Control Setup under ALSA DEVICE 2 Loading of Next Styles in Play Mode in LESS than 1 sec! 3 Import Styles from MIDI file 4 Improt Automatic style Styles from EMC Style converter 5 performance mode: link the style, the keyboard sound, the pitch, the transpose, the tempo... 6 Unlimited styles files under Disk browse 7 Unlimited performance styles user linked in the Silicon keys+LED 8 Unlimited performance bank: 1 Bank=10 SUB Bank, 1 sub Bank=12 presets 9 Automatic FREE download NEW styles by Internet in LIONSTRACS Server!
So friends, IF is not enough for starting with a great arranger, then yust waiting the next FREE release. Linux comunuty will help us for develope much better.. If you don't like this performance, then ask in your friend to editing our LINUX source code and you get all what you want. If you finally have understand the endless possibility of Linux, remain with your old system keyboard and WAIT IF they someday will release some new upgrade.
Ciao Friends Domenik
#183237 - 10/09/03 06:43 PM
Re: LIONSTRACS MEDIASTATION X-76...what you think?
Thanks Lukitoh don't worry, all what I say is true, be patience and soon you can see and listen too. Forget to say: In mediastation we dont use Flash for store the Sound Bank but one standard DIMM 256Mb for each DSP processor. In this way we can building and reloading new sound bank when we want. Actually we have ready one 42Mb sound Bank, with about 1300 sounds, think when is available the 150 or 256Mb sound bank.. At this point come the big problem... HOW we can listen the great sound with all the standard midifile?? Well, we have resolved this problem too. Mediastation have a MySql unlimited database made for the COVER, like the Roland Discovery. you chose one Cover set ( or you building your self) and when is playing the midi player, the cover change in realtime all the program and Variation how you like, in the midi chanel that you chose! Other stuff that we forget to say... In the new SAM9708 Firmware, is already the function Voice to Midi/score. When you sing in the Mic, the firmware will play one Instruments from the sound bank! So... IF you can't sing, anyway you can playing with your ( bad ) voice one instrumets, like a Sax, lead....understand? I repeat again, this function is already made by the firmware, we have opened ONLY one GUI for the control. Cheers