Hi Squeak,
Thanks for bringing up a very timely topic on rising gas prices. Consider this as the tip of the iceberg signaling a larger global crisis that looms ahead.
With a population of 6.5 billion, and rising by 75 million each year, we are in serious overshoot. We have exceeded the Carrying Capacity of the planet by a factor of three. From the time of Christ to 1800AD, the global population rose very gently from 300 million to 1 billion. Then in the last 200 years, the world population exploded to 6.5 billion.
This sudden burst in population count was possible due to the extra energy we were able to derive from oil. Since the first oil well was drilled in 1859 in Pennsylvania, humans have consumed around 1 Trillion barrels of oil to date. About a Trillion more barrels remain under the ground. We crossed the Peak in Oil Production last year at 85.4 million barrels per day. Since then production has been declining at the rate of 1.5% per annum. The decline in production rate is expected to amplify as we traverse along the down slope of The Hubberts Curve.
All life depends on energy, and the Sun is the ultimate source of all energy. We can think of oil as stored solar energy a product of ancient photosynthesis. It took nature millions of years to create this precious energy source. Mankind has burnt half of it in the last 148 years.
All the wonders of our Industrial Age can be directly related to cheap energy derived from Oil. The miracle of the Green Revolution allowed crop yields to increase by a factor of seven allowing more humans to feed and multiply. This miracle was possible due to industrial agriculture, fossil fuel based chemical fertilizers, pesticides, Genetically Modified crops, and irrigation from deep tube wells and dams all possible due to discovery of oil.
The long term Carrying Capacity of the planet is estimated at 1 to 2 billion humans.
Our present population of 6.5 billion is expected to climb to 9.2 billion around 2050 followed by an agonizing period of global die-off as the excess population in overshoot withers away from famine, pestilence, warfare, diseases and pandemics.
All our present problems encompassing Peak Oil, Global Warming/Climate Change, deforestation, desertification, lack of drinking water, falling water tables, lack of biodiversity, resource drawdown, declining fish stock, soil erosion, pollution of the air and water bodies, depletion of the ozone layer to daily extinction of plant and animal species can be attributed to human overpopulation.
We have degraded the environment and contaminated the biosphere so badly, we would be lucky to make it through with a billion survivors.
We have to come to grips with the fact that our hyper-consuming way of life is not sustainable. Our socio-economic model is based on perpetual growth an impossible wish in a finite world with finite resources.
The combined effects of Peak Oil, Housing Market Collapse and the soon to crash Stock Market could trigger the Second Great Depression in US history. This is the classic Perfect Storm scenario unfolding before our very eyes.
Each succeeding year is going to get more tougher as gas prices continue to climb past 4, 5, 6, 7, dollars a gallon.
We need to be very careful how we spend and budget each and every dollar.
On a positive note we must remain thankful and lucky to experience the absolute best of this short lived Industrial Age. The next generation will miss out on all the luxuries we took for granted.
Perhaps we have become too arrogant as a species. We think we are the masters of the universe. Our insatiable greed combined with our short term perspective and instant gratification is leading us to our self destruction. Perhaps a bitch slapping from Mother Nature is overdue to wake us up from our slumber.
For additional research I would direct the curious reader to these websites:
The Oil Drum:
http://www.theoildrum.com/ A must read article correlating Peak Oil with Overpopulation:
http://canada.theoildrum.com/node/2516#more Peak Oil:
http://peakoil.com/forums.html http://www.lifeaftertheoilcrash.net/ Climate Change:
http://www.realclimate.org/ Housing Bubble:
http://thehousingbubbleblog.com/ http://patrick.net/wp/ Financial News:
http://www.financialsense.com/ Die-Off.org:
The best summary that ties it all together painting the Big Picture