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#184120 - 01/07/02 02:05 PM More 2000 ?????
Nobby Offline

Registered: 09/17/00
Posts: 707
Loc: Palmyra Mo. U.S.A.
Hi 2000 Users.
I got problems again!!
I downloaded many styles off the web. Most of the time the volumes are at their largest setting. So I go to my mixing mode, I set each voice in the style. Then I set the vol. style level,the mic, ect. Also main lead voice & layer voice and their volumes.Then I go thru the procedure of building a style. I push digital recording then I select style creater, then assembly then save!
I try to reccord this to a different floppy or user.
When I turn the boards pwr. off & back on, all the volumns are like they were when I downloaded them. What Am I doing wrong?
Should I set this up as A song or what?
I'm having real good luck putting my songs setup on registration memory.Over 200 so far on on one floppy disk!
But that way I can only use Preset & Used styles. But I have so many good styles on floppy disk with a little doctering would be great! That's the reason I tried to change the style & get my changes on another disk.
Help Me if you can!
Thanks a bunch!

[This message has been edited by Nobby (edited 01-07-2002).]

#184121 - 01/07/02 05:32 PM Re: More 2000 ?????
ChicoBrasil Offline

Registered: 06/09/01
Posts: 993
Loc: Belo Horizonte,Minas Gerais,Br...
Hi Nobby

I think that you can to modify the styles and store styles+R1+R2+Lower+volumes+effects in memory banks.
The 9000Pro can do it.

#184122 - 01/07/02 06:06 PM Re: More 2000 ?????
Beakybird Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/27/01
Posts: 2227
Dear Nobby: Style part volumes is part of the style.
Main, layer, and left volumes belong to the OTS of the style. You can't save these volumes unless you create or change OTSs.
Mic volume belongs only to registration memory. You can't recall a mic setting through choosing a style or pressing an OTS.
If you go to the digital mixer and change the volume of style parts, you should be able to go to Style Creator>Assembly and save these settings. Try this again without tweaking other settings (right hand voices, mic volume) afterwards.
OTSs are very easy to create and make it such a breeze to perform a style. I created OTSs for a lot of my favorite PSR740 styles, and I will be sharing these soon. I find that even though the PSR9000 has almost all of the PSR740 styles plus more, and even though the PSR9000 has more intros, endings, etc., the PSR740 styles sound much more balanced on the PSR2000 than the PSR9000 styles do. Have other people experienced the same thing?


[This message has been edited by Beakybird (edited 01-07-2002).]

#184123 - 01/08/02 02:32 PM Re: More 2000 ?????
Nobby Offline

Registered: 09/17/00
Posts: 707
Loc: Palmyra Mo. U.S.A.
Thank you Chico & Larry for your response!

I should known That the voice & mike setting had nothing to do with the styles. The overall settings have to be set to a reg. memory.
Larry I just adjusted the track volumes,it worked fine. Thats what throwed me, I had did this before,then all at once it quit working! It was because I was trying to set all those volums at the same time!
I have a lot of the styles where you added OTS is it hard to do? I need to learn how to do that, & to edit OTS to change it.
To me this Manual is next to worthless.

Now some that are into CP'S & digital electronics will understand easer. When I got out of electronics they still used a lot of the single transistors. Now they put whole thing on a few chips! Sorry didn't mean to get away from the subject!

If there's any advice you could give me toward creating OTS & editing it would be great!
All the best,
PS: To any who would want ad to this subject
I have PSR-2000. Thank you!


#184124 - 01/08/02 04:44 PM Re: More 2000 ?????
Beakybird Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/27/01
Posts: 2227
OK, Nobby, it will take you a bit of time to do a bunch of styles. Your fingers will start to get nimble at it.

What I do is this:

1. Select a similar internal style to the one you want to create an OTS for.
2. Press each OTS and then MEMORY>Registration 1, 2, 3, & 4. You are creating a temporary registration bank that you won't save.
3. Go to the floppy style.
5. When asked to save, select NO
6. Do this for all four OTSs
7. On the last one, select YES
8. Press NEXT for floppy drive
9. Press Save (Lower register button)
10. When asked if you want to replace existing file, press yes.



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