#184158 - 08/30/05 11:43 PM
OT: Switching Cell Phone Service Provider - Need Advice !
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Ok, perhaps cell phones aren't really 'on topic' here, but they remain an essential tool for many of us gigging musicians who cana't afford to miss calls from potential clients, when traveling on the road to/from gigs. So now that I've convinced at least some of you that my topic is appropriate here: I'm currently looking to switch cell phone service providers. I'm currently with T-Mobile with my contract over. I'm considering switching to Cingular, as inside my house, Cingular's cell phone 'signal strength' is far stronger than T-Mobile's. Another advantage going with Cingular is that since I also have SBC as both my DSL internet & landline telephone provider, and Cingular Wireless is also owned by SBC, SBC is offering new Cingular Wireless customers a substantial discount on their SBC bill if Cingular Cell Phone service is added to the total package. Ok, here's my question: If I purchase cell phone service (and new phone(s)) DIRECTLY from Cingular, the price for the phone(s) is MUCH HIGHER than going with a 3rd party Cingular provider. For example: if I purchase a Nokia model #6620 phone directly from Cingular on a new 2 year plan, it costs $199, yet with only a 1 year Cingular contract with Amazon.com, I can get the same Nokia 6620 phone for $24.99 (after rebate). I've noticed there are a lot of these HOT phone deals (offered with new cell service) by '3rd party' Cingular online stores. Curious if they're legit and what (if any) risks are involved purchasing Cingular cell phone service from Amazon.com or Nokia, who offers the same Nokia 6620 phone for $49.99. Many thanks to all for advice & feedback on this. Scott [This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 08-30-2005).]
#184161 - 08/31/05 08:47 AM
Re: OT: Switching Cell Phone Service Provider - Need Advice !
Senior Member
Registered: 01/02/04
Posts: 7306
Loc: Lexington, Ky, USA
We have both Cingular and Verizon phone service at the office,and my advice is to avoid Cingular at all costs!
There were three extended Cingular service outages last year at critical times...none at Verizon.
Recently, with contracts up, I checked out both companies. Verizon offered two free phones and no activation fee. When one of the Cingular phones began to malfunction I visited a local office (not a reseller). They wanted $100.00 for two phones and $36.00 ($18.00 per line) for activation. When I told them about te Verizon offer, they said "You'd better go to them". Then, they suggested I call Cingular Marketing and try to negotiate a better deal. I was running, didn't have time to play around and needed the line, so I paid the $100.00 for the phones. The activation fee (it takes about a minute to switch out the chips) was to be included on my next bill. When that bill came, it was 16 pages for $169.00. It was normally $90.00. I had purchased a $59.00 plan instead of the $69.00 plan I was on, because I was unsatisfied with the purchasing experince. There was no balance forward, so the maximum the bill could have been was $90.00 (the old plan, including all fees and taxes), plus the $36.00 activation fee. I went back to the store, and after looking at te bill, no-one could make any sense of it. After disapearing for 1/2 hour, the salesperon came out with a hand-written total of $135.00. It was still more than it should have been, but I was late for a meeting, so I offered to pay it right then. I was told there would be a $2.00 fee if I paid it then instead of mailing it in.
The Cingular culture seems to involve deceptive marketing practices, confusing billing, marginal service and an extremely combative attitude.
When the time comes, I'll switch the two Cingular lines to Verizon. Over two a two year contract, that will cost Cingular $2200, and I am adding two additional Verizon lines next week. I'll then have 6 lines...eventually, none of them Cingular.
My advice...RUN AWAY!
#184165 - 08/31/05 01:20 PM
Re: OT: Switching Cell Phone Service Provider - Need Advice !
Registered: 12/03/99
Posts: 732
Loc: Phoenix, AZ USA
Scott, Here in Phoenix (and I guess in most other places), Verizon has a better service (coverage, signal strength). They are also more expensive. I use Cingular (former ATT Wireless), and must say that their service, while not as good as Verizon's, is really quite good (never had any outages of the type Captain Russ was mentioning). If you are getting a good deal from them, go ahead and sign up. Another advantage is that you will be able to chat for free with all the members here who are using Cingular - Don Mason, Frank Ventresca, myself, ...  As to the price of the phones, I don't follow the current pricing, but when i was signing up a little over a year ago, I managed to get a pair of really fancy phones (at the time) - Nokia 3620s for free, while they were usually priced at $250. I would not be afraid to purchase a phone from a small shop, just make sure it is covered under warranty. A note of caution, though - typically the phones have warranty of 1 year. When you sign up for 2 years of service, the second year you are still bound by your agreement, but your phone is not protected. Should it break, you will be forced to buy the phone at a "regular" price without service - those are very high (check for yourself). Good Luck, Alex
Regards, Alex