Ok Guys, I've owned my Tyros for two weeks now and have been enjoying it immensely overall, except for ONE thing that is really BUGGING me. I KNOW you've all been WAITING

to hear something bad

about the Tyros, so here goes:
Have any other Tyros owners (except for myself) noticed that the 'bass part' of styles which utilize 'Mega Voice' Bass patches, sound way 'TOO LOUD' in the style's overall mix?
Also, if you play the bass voices themselves, you will immediately
notice that all four Mega Voice Bass patches (Mega Voice Aco Bass,
Mega Voice Finger Bass, Mega Voice Pick Bass, and Megavoice Fretless) are FAR LOUDER than all the other Tyros 'bass' voices (Cool Finger Bass, Aco Bass, Cool Fretless, etc). As a result, all the style patterns that utilize a Mega Voice Bass patch sound FAR too loud (bass emphasized), and results in an un-natural boomy bass
sound. On the other hand, If the bass patch is changed to a 'non' Mega Voice bass sound patch, the overall volume mix sounds far better balanced (pleasing).
Unfortunately, the ONLY way to permanently change a style's 'individual part' volume level is by going into the mixing console, editing it, and then saving the style into a brand NEW location (User Memory or Hard Drive), because there is no way to write OVER any of the Preset styles themselves. Having to do this not only requires a lot of labor (& time), but because the Tyros
Music Finder can only access styles located in the Preset area and the limited space of the User Memory area, but NOT styles saved on the hard drive, this severely limits the the number of edited styles which can be accessed via Music Finder.
Frankly, I can't understand WHY Yamaha programmed all their internal styles to have the Mega bass voice sounding so LOUD in comparison with the other voices in the style. Also, why are the Mega Voice Bass patches themselves so MUCH louder than the other bass voices (patches)?
I love the Tyros in so MANY other ways, but the OVERLY LOUD Mega Voice Bass part in MANY of the preset styles is a problem which I cannot seem to easily resolve. The only workaround I've found so far is to lower the 'overall' Style volume level (from 100 (default setting) to 85 in the 'balance' window, but this is a very limited compromise , because it not only lowers the Bass Voice, but ALL other style voices (parts) as well. Is there an easy solution to this problem that I've overlooked?
Btw, this problem is MOST noticeable when played thru external speakers (EV SXa100's, etc), and not as noticeable when played thru headphones.
ALL Tyros owners: PLEASE check this out on your Tyros keyboard and respond with YOUR feedback and opinion about this. Am I the only one that is upset by the overly loud Mega Voice Bass volume problem? This problem does not exist on my PSR2000 as its Preset styles do NOT incorporate Mega Voices.
Other than this, I still really LOVE the Tyros, because everyday I discover yet another great feature that it has which is not supoprted on the PSR2000, so I hope an easy solution can be found.
- Scott