Originally posted by spalding:
If there were no updates and no new keyboards we would become much more creative with the instruments that we have.The technology does not make us better players.But familiarity and practice does
Spaulding: I agree. Yours was 'just the answer' I was so wanting to hear.
Looking back among the sz threads, there appears more interest in what the 'next new arranger model coming out is going to be, than discussing the more important topic to actual players: arranger 'playing techniques' universally applicable to most ALL make/model arrangers.
These topics include (but are certainly not limited to) how best to utilize: intros, fills, variation changes, multipad hits & patterns, and endings, wheel & foot pedal assignment & playing techniques in auto accomp mode, registration programming, suitable choice of different harmony types for specific song genres, performance in different arranger keyboard modes: from 'on the fly' playing to utilizing 'registrations', and other playing modes, from split keyboard, one finger, 3 finger, full keyboard mode, etc; and finally: discussing specific arranger KB 'practicing techniques'. For example: I occasionally devote 10 minutes practice a day, focussing on the timing (triggering) of the arranger transition buttons/footpedals to ensure that a 'fill', break, or variation comes in at exactly the right moment, and by touch (no looking) as well. This is just ONE of many arranger specific practice techniques I think worth discussing.
These techniques are universal to all arrangers, so in an effort to PROMOTE better skilled and musically CREATIVE arranger keyboard 'PLAYING' no matter which arranger we own, I think more interest & discussion of creative arranger playing techniques would prove beneficial to ALL Synthzone Arranger keyboard forum members. What do you think?