I'm sorry man, at the moment I'm hundred miles away from my comp( and my TR Rack

), so I can't send it to ya but you should anyway check out Trinitro 3.6 from Kevin Goodman (?). You can do the .ins-file with it
and much more. BTW, things are not that simple...(this good&bad, imho) With Trinitro you can load different Trinity .pcg-files to your TR thus replacing the original presets with new sounds -> the names & the order of sounds is different -> you have to make another .ins-file for those settings... This is cool, though. The Trinity has gazillions of sounds in it, you just have to edit&get them outta there (it takes time to browse thru all the sounds and to create your own set of favourite sounds). Trinity Haven is THE place to dnload other Trinity users' .sngs and .pcgs. Go check'em out!
And I hope I helped you, even if it was just a little bit.
da Rude out.
PS. I miss my TR!