I bought the active speakers because I didn't want to carry amps and such with me...I need a clean set-up..I'm sure guys have great ideas on a sleek amp setup too, but for me, I like the portability, weight and the fact that it's all in one package. I paid $510 a piece through SAM Ash with 15 months interest free/no payments. That way I can work and pay the buggers off without touching my regular income. Shipping was 20 bucks a pop, so you may want to deal with a local guy and if he'll give you a deal, with tax included, you may get them cheaper..it all depends. I'm all for supporting the local guys, but no one wanted to deal with the EV's...I missed the $349 guitar center give away...I called 2 GC's in texas, but they had only 2 left and were holding them...oh well...they're worth every bit of the 510 I paid and more...you'll love e'm...to be honest, the eon G2's were pretty good too..but the EV's caught my ear for some reason...Best of luck...Brian