Your phone is unplugged for 2 hours or more a day so you can practice.
You are more worried about breaking a finger then breaking a leg.
Bach is not just a funny sound you can make in your throat.
Practicing chromatic scales becomes more fun then bowling.
You spend more money on books, instrument supplies, private lessons, and classes then rent, food, and bills combined and, you have more then one job to pay for everything.
You dream about little sharps attacking flats and whole notes falling in love with quarter notes.
The thought of taking a break, if only for a week, sounds crazy and suicidal.
You listen to PDQ Bach and get all of the jokes.
That irritating song that's been running through your head for two weeks is by Mozart.
You notice you are drumming your fingers on the table to the rhythm of the classical music being played at the restaurant.
You walk down the hall singing Beethoven's 7th and you wonder why people look at you funny.
You know and can recite all the musician jokes and derivatives in score order!
Getting the sniffles is a true catastrophe.
You walk around conducting the Verdi Requiem, Dvorak Requiem, Bruckner e-minor Mass, Beethoven 7, etc., and wonder why people are looking at you funny.
You can roughly translate any Latin text, but you've never taken a Latin class.
Your co-workers can tell what you are listening to on your headphones by the way you are typing.
Youre willing to shell out $16 for a score to 4'33".
You know what 4'33" is.
You know Tchaikovsky's full name AND all its spellings.
You have played more instruments than the average person can name.
You own more in sheet music than CDs
You can define the difference between a sonata and a concerto.
You know 101 jokes involving violas, French horns, sopranos, or percussionists.
You know any jokes about players of any other specific instruments or singers of other voice parts.
You took more semesters of foreign languages, which you hardly ever use, than English.
You have expelled more hot air than your average politician.
You actually cheered on the marching band in high school.
You have ever played anything by Bela Bartok.
You had carpal tunnel before computers became popular, or have injured yourself more times sitting down than standing up.
You think nine to five is PM to AM
Someone hits a flat note and it causes you physical pain.
You think triplets are cool. (They are!)
You actually notice the music in movies, and talk about it more than the actual movie.
The person that you idolize lived in the 16th or 17th century and is now "decomposing"
You try to figure out what note the school bell is playing so you can tune your instrument.
You go to the Choir or Band Room before and after school and during your lunch period just to hang out.
The custodian is working on the fire alarm and you time it with your metronome.
You realize you can play your solo in time with the fire alarm.
You hear a song you've played before and automatically do the fingering.
You write alternative lyrics to the songs you play, and the lyrics you write proclaim your Music Dorkiness.
You realize that although you know none of the guys/girls in the school, you have 'gone out with' every guy/girl in the Band/Orchestra/Choir.
You'd rather spend two and a half hours in the Choir Room just waiting for your Rehearsal to start than go home and take a nap.
You go to the media center to cut out hearts for Valentine's Day and you spend twenty minutes cutting out flutes, trumpets, treble clefs, bass clefs, and musical notes.
You start to walk with someone and you fall into step with them.
You carry a metronome, your sheet music, valve oil, pitch pipe or drumsticks in your backpack.
You see other Musicians more than you see your family,
Your online screen name involves the instrument you play or the part you sing.
You beg your director for a tape of your pieces (and end up waiting three weeks for it and subsequently turn cartwheels around the room when you finally get it!).
You automatically know when a non-Band/Choir member is in the band/choir room, and you'll stop at nothing until they get out.
You skip your lunch period to watch a year-old All County concert video.
You skip your lunch period because you need to rehearse
Youve ever appeared on stage in a costume/outfit held together by safety pins and a hot glue gun
Someone comes to school Halloween carrying newspapers, dressed in a green vest, khaki pants, and an old fashioned cap, and you automatically know they're a Newsie. And you start singing the songs from the movie.
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