#186578 - 05/31/06 11:30 AM
Re: New styles from LIONSTRACS MS X76
Senior Member
Registered: 07/21/05
Posts: 5399
Loc: English Riviera, UK
Would you refuse to look at a car, just because problems occurred on a couple out of thousands? If Lionstracs were to demonstrate in the UK, or better still attend one of the many Festivals, (Where we get World Premiers and Previews of Keyboards) I would certainly try them out, unfortunately at present I can only go by the demos, and reviews of other people that have or have had them, which why in a previous post I said that I was looking forward to your comments on the Mediastation. Look forward to further updates, as you get more used to the instrument. Bill
English Riviera: Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).
#186586 - 06/01/06 03:59 AM
Re: New styles from LIONSTRACS MS X76
Registered: 05/15/06
Posts: 306
Loc: NL
Ok, but what I try to say is : EVERY brand (e.g. Ketron, Solton, Gem, Roland, Yamaha etc) has good quality demo-pieces to show potentials of equipment. Wersi & Lionstracs have not !
In fact they are a couple of years behind compared to other music brands (in soundquality and styles)
The open systems are built upon an ordinary PC concept, right ? Be honest and tell me how many years are PC's 'up to date' nowaday? I'm computing since the eighties and learned every three years an upgrade was needed because of new developments in hardware and more demanding software. So when people say "These open systems allow you to keep the hardware forever and with only new software users stay uptodate! ", I only can smile and think 'come on, wake up !'
In my view serious/realistic thinking musicians don't purchase these PC based stuff, because they are not interested in 'building' a keyboard. They want reliable/solid machines that sound great.
Those who do purchase must have lots of money, feel 'pioneers' and try to convince 'ordinary' musicians they are a kind of old-fashioned.
Magica Alfa your song sounds OK, but how many days took it to find the right settings?
While using a normal modern keyboard it's a matter of minutes.
I'm lurker at this forum for ages and read many discussions with- and about Lionstracs. Lionstracs showed a nasty attitude on top of the fact that the product itself is extremely poor IN MY VIEW !
#186587 - 06/01/06 04:41 AM
Re: New styles from LIONSTRACS MS X76
Registered: 05/26/06
Posts: 259
Thanks for your replays First: In last two years computer fast development mostly stops. But this cause that we are having today enough space to develop things in keyboards in this way. These are reliable things. Ok somebody wants close and good system but what hapend: e.g. you are having in on keyboard in top range: 128Mb ROM only you must change this keyboard every two years because when come out new you old is not good. Problem is in us keyboard players we want every time something new. With this thing you can open your mind every day and this is nothing for you. First you try TRIAL if you want than you buy. Maybe you will listen to this: http://www.lionstracs.com/demo/sounds/orchestrademo.mp3 This is official side. For me it is great sound. I don’t know what you mean with poor picture. I’m having this thing not long time and I can tell you that is better than all my old keyboards. I started with HAM. B3 and ROLAND Juno 6. I had ELKA before. I’m with computer from 1982. I can tell you first things were problematic. I find a lot good thing on. Development of computer gave us that we are having this forum here today. This will be also keyboards future.
#186588 - 06/01/06 04:48 AM
Re: New styles from LIONSTRACS MS X76
Senior Member
Registered: 11/19/02
Posts: 2867
Loc: Tampa, FL
Everyone (almost everyone) on this board has had a very open mind regarding the Lionstracs product and concept. We have all watched it develop and have asked very specific questions regarding it's practicality and usage during a live performance. Combined with the bad experiences of a few of our members, the reviews just do not give us the confidence in this product in both quality and sound worthiness. Perhaps the main issue is with reliability.
When you are on stage entertaining an audience, you must have a non-stop, no-nonsense keyboard at your fingertips allowing you to concentrate on the show, not on the mechanics of performing. The experience between keyboard and performer must be seamless on stage. This is where Roland, Korg, Yamaha, and others really excel. They have mastered the ergonomics of the performer.
From the demo's I've seen and user reports, Lionstracs operation seems much more convoluted and disjointed performing on stage.
Pa4x - LD Systems Maui 28 - Mackie Thumps
#186591 - 06/01/06 06:12 AM
Re: New styles from LIONSTRACS MS X76
Senior Member
Registered: 07/21/05
Posts: 5399
Loc: English Riviera, UK
Hello Domenik Nice to know you still keeping in touch, I thought you might have left for good. The demo itself shows what can be achieved with an open type keyboard, and I would suggest that you go through some of the other older demos on your site and clear them out, as they do not show off the Mediastation to its full potential. As far as I am aware you still do not have a presence in the UK, and as yet never featured at any of the Festivals, which I think would benefit you, by allowing people to compare your product with others, and thus see and hear the benefits of an open keyboard, I know Wersi always go down well at the Festivals, and that is why I play one of their OAS instruments. (I have previously used both Hardware and Software based systems) I hope you consider some of the above, and continue to develop the Mediastation. Regards
English Riviera: Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).
#186594 - 06/01/06 07:30 AM
Re: New styles from LIONSTRACS MS X76
Senior Member
Registered: 07/21/05
Posts: 5399
Loc: English Riviera, UK
Hello All Reading some of the posts, I think some people misunderstand what an open keyboard is about, and hopefully my explanation will make it clearer. In its basic form it is a keyboard that is not tied to any one manufacture, and allows the user to use whatever type of sounds or instruments they require. Previously this could only be achieved using a fixed computer in a studio, using various different samples and Virtual instruments, (VST) with the increase in computing power this can now also be done live, by using a laptop. The downside to this is the fact that it takes a lot to set up, and has a very steep learning curve, which of course puts most people off. The Hardware Arranger however is a lot easier to set up, with a much easier learning curve. The downside to this is the fact that it has to use what the manufacture makes for it, or connect to external modules or a computer, to get something different. The most versatile electronic box today, (And has been for some time) is the computer, which because of its modular design means that any software that is released can be used on it. The downside? Is that as software gets more sophisticated so does the computer hardware that is required to run it, however, due to the modular construction, you only need to upgrade the parts that are required to run the new software, and not have to change the whole computer. The open keyboard combines the advantages of both computer and hardware arranger in one box, so that it can be played straight out of the box, just like any other arranger keyboard. To make this even easier the manufactures include there own software sounds and styles etc, so that you do not have to start buying other software sounds/instruments straight away. Whether you like the sounds or not is entirely personal, just like some people prefer Yamaha, others prefer Roland etc. Once you have the open keyboard however, you can then start adding what ever you want, rather having what the manufacture says you should have. This gives you the advantage that you can just upgrade the software and hardware as required, without having to trade in your old instrument, which has the advantage of working out a lot cheaper as well. I hope the above has cleared a few points up, and has allowed a better understanding. Below I have included some links to sites, so that you can see what third party sounds and instruments are available for use on an open keyboard. The most common samples are produced for Akai samplers, the S1000 -3000 series being the most popular, (Akai samplers first came to market in the late eighties) in recent years with more advanced computers, Giga samples have come to the fore, and so if you follow the link below, and select the above formats you will see what sounds are available, many with mp3 demos. http://www.timespace.com/index1.asp?ID=prosamples As far as instruments go, here are 4 links to have a look at. Hammond sound http://www.native-instruments.com/index.php?id=b4ii_us Piano sound http://www.steinberg.de/151_1.html Orchestra sound http://www.steinberg.de/667+M52087573ab0.html Guitar http://www.soundsonline.com/sophtml/details.phtml?sku=BS-388 And for a compilation of sounds http://www.soundsonline.com/sophtml/details.phtml?sku=EW-164 Enjoy. Bill
English Riviera: Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).
#186600 - 06/01/06 03:12 PM
Re: New styles from LIONSTRACS MS X76
Registered: 05/26/06
Posts: 259
My experience is different.
I had keyboard for 14 days and I played with the styles from my previous keyboard. This was GENESYS PRO. I had: KORG PA80, ROLAND G800, GEM SK760, KORG TRITON STUDIO 76, ROLAND XP80 PEAVEY DPM3 etc.
I was satisfied with all of them, but here I’m having freedom. This means me a lot. My audience wants every day more. Before we had enough to play with simple arranger, now if you play on toy you will not have them. Also you must be more than musician. This is reality.
Yes true is that you are playing with balanced keyboard on stage. Also one hit for next song. This is important. And on end this keyboard is having all in one hit. (One hit plays arranger, next hit play midi, next hit play mp3 of course with all new sounds every time.) This is freedom.
As abacus write may be are on demo side of LIONSTRACS old mp3s with arranger. On my keyboard are balanced.
Styles sounds better more realistic and had more power than other keyboards.
This are not keyboards for beginners, but on end they are play with one tip as for beginners. You can look on manual on web. I buy this thing because of easy manual and help on desk top. You must only press button help and all is possible to see on screen. (Every button)
Any way, I thing LIONSTRACS can learn something from this forum. I’m, for sure.
#186605 - 06/02/06 09:15 AM
Re: New styles from LIONSTRACS MS X76
Registered: 01/06/02
Posts: 38
Dear MR. CRAIG: 1: I Know some studio´s that have Samples and don´t have Mediastation. 2: I Know some keyboard´s player´s that don´t have Samples 3: I Know some alives player´s that have MS76 and samples too. Personally I think the principal question is the love by the JOB that we are doing. If the player just wan´t to win money and don´t have love the Profission, it´s very hard to see the third option. But when we love really play the keyboard workstation machine, some times it´s the love to the Job that speak more high than simple play a instrument. In this case when the player´s by a keyboard is not just to show to friend´s, it´s the love by job. Anyway you can by GIGA libraries and sound's at www.bestservice.de in Europe. About the internal styles, at the moment, do you want to try internal audio styles ? It´s one of many news this year. Your MS76 that you send back to Lionstracs last year don´t have this styles and features. There are maked this year. Sow I can sure to you that in "The Moment" the styles don´t are the sames from last year. I can talk by myself experience. I Have one MS76. The time advance and the features too. Is not correct speak about the "Last Year" version. It´s not the current version. Anyway, thanks to all. Best Regard´s Filipe Tomás Native Language - Portuguese
#186610 - 06/02/06 11:18 AM
Re: New styles from LIONSTRACS MS X76
Registered: 10/22/03
Posts: 1155
Originally posted by to the genesys: And I think that is the power of the mediastation and other open source keyboards. It is for those who want and need tools that would help them be creative and have their own distinct sound. It is not for the lazy musician and or closed minded people. The possibilities are plentiful with such a keyboard like the mediastation.
The demos do not do it justice. What they need to do is get a really good gigging musician, spend some time explaining to them the workings of the mediastation and have them create a demo for arranger players.
Maybe that would silence the negative talkers. But I would caution, an online demo should never be the deciding factor for a keyboard buyer regardless as to how good or bad the demos are. Nothing beats live in person interaction with a keyboard.
Another thing mediastation may want to consider is to start marketing the keyboard to pro creative musicians. The gigging musician, workstation users and producers and studio people. Ones with an open mind would see that the mediastation is more than an arranger or a romplayer it is a complete production and performance keyboard.
Just a Post Script to my post: I do not work for mediastation. In fact, as I stated, they really need someone to demo the product properly. Taking in to account that arranger style playing is just one selling point for this board. Also, they need to correct all the misinformation that has been posted in this thread that a closed system is better than an open system and that the VSTs do not work well with the mediastation. They also need to set the record straight as to the assumption that a member of this forum received a prototype keyboard. Regarding my use of the word lazy, I did not want to offend any one, but being involved with music is a lot of work. There is no easy road; regardless of what the PSRs/Tyros, G70s, PA1xs try to make us believe. I suppose if one is just playing at home for his or her enjoyment (there is nothing wrong with that), a Casio, Tyros 2 and the likes would suffice. But for the musician who is gigging for a living, preparation for a gig is expected. Creating styles, tweaking sounds and presets and setting up registrations is part of the game and part of the fun. Most professional musicians do not expect the keyboard to be just perfect for everyone because we realize that every musician has their individuality. The keyboard is there to give you all the tools to express your individuality with styles, sounds and the like. When one is getting a high-end keyboard for gigging, a certain amount of preparation and tweaking should be expected. That is just the nature of electronic instruments. If you want to just play get a piano, or if you want to sound like a DJ or a Karaoke machine, then get a Casio or PSR/Tyros 2. But if you are gigging and want to stay in the music business and want to have an identity as a performer, then you should be prepared to work, tweak and create.
#186614 - 06/02/06 12:57 PM
Re: New styles from LIONSTRACS MS X76
Registered: 02/25/04
Posts: 172
Loc: Greenwood, SC -USA
Hello Magica Alfa, Congratulations on the new keyboard! It is great to hear how well it is working for you. I am also a Mediastation owner as I have the X-88 Pro version. I have been very pleased with its performance as well. When I first researched Lionstracs and the mediastation I found there was not a lot of objective 3rd party opinions available. Now that there are a few more of actual Mediastation owners posting then perhaps it will be easier for people to get the info they need. Please keep posting I look forward to hearing more about your experiences with your keyboard. Abacus I have always found your posts very knowledgable and informative especially about wersi. I researched them as well and while I decided on the Lionstracs for myself, I sincerely want all companies that are promoting an open keyboard system based on computers and virtual instruments to succeed. As this can only be good for the consumer. I especially appreciated your explaination of the open keyboard. Keep on giving the good info! To the Genesys - I fully agree with what you said "And I think that is the power of the mediastation and other open source keyboards. It is for those who want and need tools that would help them be creative and have their own distinct sound." No one keyboard suits everyone! For someone who is wanting to use a keyboard at home, playing for their own enjoyment, then the Mediastation may not be what they are looking for. There are less expensive and more simple options that may serve them well. But for the professional or gigging Musician who wants the very best tools to work with, Lionstracs Mediastation becomes a very exciting option for them! Filipe, You have were one of the first ones to post info on the Mediastation. Thanks and I look forward to you posting an mp3. I have began some observations that I have made of my keyboard under another thread. http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/Forum37/HTML/013336.html Richard Shiflet
#186618 - 06/02/06 09:07 PM
Re: New styles from LIONSTRACS MS X76
Registered: 10/22/03
Posts: 1155
Originally posted by Craig_UK: To the Genesys puts: if you want to sound like a DJ or a Karaoke machine, then get a Casio or PSR/Tyros 2. But if you are gigging and want to stay in the music business and want to have an identity as a performer, then you should be prepared to work, tweak and create.
I think you'll get some strong comments back from that statement. Loads of us on here regardless what type of arrangers we have always tweak our instruments and create our own styles and sounds instead of using the presets. As for sounding like a DJ or Karaoke machine, that comment is pure c**p, unless you just shove a disk in and let it play itself. Many on SZ have also been in the business for years and even have their own music shops or teach music etc so we already have established identities and certainly put the man hours in when it comes to work. By the way, what keyboard(s) do you have. With Genesys I'm assuming it's the one by Gem? Craig: I can appreciate that some do put in the amount of work and preparation required of a gigging musician, but there are some that just want (and expect to) take a new keyboard out of the box at 7:00pm and start gigging at 7:15pm. One of the problems is that some audiences do not know what we are doing as arranger players and lump us together with DJs or Karaoke machines. So it doesn’t help if some manufacturer’s styles sound like a CD. Nor does it help when we have all the style tracks playing at the same time but the audience knows and sees only one person. This is why I talk about individuality. It is about having a sound and style unique to your self. With arrangers it is very possible to do so. It’s about having an accompaniment but still letting your audience know (by your music and stage presents) that you are in charge and you are not just playing or singing over some factory prerecorded thing. Just look at the style of some of the seasoned OMB players. UD plays left hand bass sometimes, Scottyee mute some style tracks and plays a piano sound in the left and right hand simultaneously, Fran plays with adjusted midi files … and so on. That’s the beauty of arrangers they give the player so much performance options and so many ways for a player to express his or her musical individuality; much more than a traditional closed system “workstation”. The Genesys pro (which I use at the moment), still has the best all in one feature set for an arranger (probably second to the mediastation and Worsy if they are any good). The Genesys has good styles, good sounds,, a full functioning 32 track sequencer, a sampler (not just a sample reader), a sound editor, audio recording, a harmonizer, a CD and MP3 player and many other things. All you carry on a gig is the genesys pro and your sound system.
#186626 - 06/03/06 03:59 PM
Re: New styles from LIONSTRACS MS X76
Registered: 05/26/06
Posts: 259
Originally posted by Craig_UK: Magica I've used Giga samples since they were first ever available and have quite an extensive library. I do loads of backing tracks for singers on the professional UK circuit so need access to quality sounds. The arranger side of me is because I come from an organ background but my main bread and butter stuff is in the recording studio using PC and Mac software, synths etc. None of my Giga sounds sound that bad or cheap which I'm pleased to say. That’s mean that you want to play always with good sounds. GIGA SAMPLER is good thing. You can prepare all what you want. But you can prepare also sounds with other stuff as VST and if you are having chain, can be sound specialized only for you. You know how powerful computer with all this good sinths, programs, and converters is. You can do what you want. Only thing is that you must know what you are doing. Only chance for developing sounds and arrangers is that more people play with things like LIONSTRACS MEDIASTATION. In next years will be with this system arrangers totally different. Give them chance for future. But also critical remarks are good for developing. We can always learn something.