Unfortunately, George's review is not as intricate as maybe Simon wanted. George has not had enough time to go over the PSR 2100 in greater detail because he just received his shipment only just a few days ago. Besides that he just sold his last PSR 2000 so to do an intricate side by side comparison against the PSR 2100 is no longer possible. If I am wrong about you selling your last PSR 2000 George, let me/us know.
There was a member by the name of David that has a PSR 2100 that he purchased a couple of weeks ago but he cannot give a comparison review because he is not familiar with the PSR 2000 or Tyros having never played the Tyros and he played the PSR 2000 only briefly. I think we scared him away from the forum with all of our relentless questions about his PSR 2100.
I called my local GC which, btw, is the 3rd busiest GC in the Nation and they have not received the PSR 2100 yet. As many have already noticed it is not on Music123.com, Musiciansfriend.com or Zzounds.com. They have it over at Synthplanet.com but of course that is located in Europe and Yamaha will not Warranty it if it is shipped to the USA. That's what I've heard anyway. I can bet that George has already sold out of his stock too.
This reminds me of the Tyros situation. Where the Tyros just "trickled" into retail outlets causing much consternation amongst those that purchased it on order and those wanting to check it out. Yamaha seems to take its own sweet time with getting its products to the public. I think much has to do with marketing strategy where they are trying to intrigue the consumer and also entice the public by all of the waiting, baiting, commotion, hype, and mystery. I guess they don't realise they might lose more customers than they gain by doing it that way. Some people may tend to get disgusted with how Yamaha delays its product releases and other questionable marketing tactics and because of it head for the nearest Manufacturer that caters more to the consumer's wants and needs instead of one that does just the opposite.
I am not mad; I just want Yamaha to know how I (and I suspect many, many others) feel in regards to this issue "and other issues" and there sometimes shoddy and questionable business pratices.
Yikes!!! I've probably done it this time. I've gone too far over the line I suppose and Steve Deming will probably hate me the rest of his life.
Oh well, I just try to tell it how I see it even if I have to step on some toes in the process. If nobody spoke up and said a thing about this or about anything for that matter, I reckon nothing would EVER get done or changed for the better. So here is the lesson: Speak Up!!! and let your voice be heard. Before you speak up though make sure you have something to say.
Best regards,