#187014 - 12/11/0110:32 PMIs this possibly a serious PSR2000 Bug ? ! ? ! ?
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Registered: 12/01/99
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The PSR2000's user's manual clearly states that you can record your own accompaniment styles in either real time or step record modes. (see pages 108-111). Strange thing is that I am not able 'rec enable' any of the 8 accompaniment tracks (except 'Rhy2'). It is my understanding (from reading the manual) that you should be able to record 'enable' any one of the 8 accomp. tracks and then record that track in 'real' or 'step record' mode. Strange thing is that the ONLY track I'm able to 'rec' enable is 'Rhy2'. Am I missing something here or what? I'm surprised that no one else here or on the Yahoo Groups Styles forum has brought this up before.
I'm requesting that other PSR2000 owners here will check this out and let me know if I'm just missing something here or if this indeed is actually serious PSR2000 bug that needs to be reported to Yamaha. Thanks. - Scott
#187016 - 12/11/0110:54 PMRe: Is this possibly a serious PSR2000 Bug ? ! ? ! ?
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Registered: 01/27/01
Posts: 2227
Since I plan on doing all style editing and song recording in Cakewalk using the PSR2000 instrument definitions provided at SVPworld.com, it is of no import to me (except for the keyboard's resale value) whether or not I can record a style on the keyboard. With all of the incredible features available with a great sequencer like Cakewalk plus a 17" screen, I can't understand why one would want to sequence on their keyboard, unless they don't own a computer or aren't close to the one they own.
This is not to say that the keyboard should work the way it says it does in the manual, and I can understand your frustration, Scott.
I hope you can get this thing to work, for your sake, and if it is a bug, that Yamaha can fix it quick with a new OS.
#187017 - 12/11/0111:10 PMRe: Is this possibly a serious PSR2000 Bug ? ! ? ! ?
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Registered: 12/01/99
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Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Hi Larry: I'll may end up going your route as well, but STILL, on board 'accompaniment style recording' is a standard feature which should WORK as intended. Sometimes if I just want to edit a note or two, it's much more convenient to do on the keyboard istself (in step edit mode). Unless I've somehow overlooked something in the manual, it looks like this is a legitimate BUG ! I hope others will check this out too and let me know.
It seems you have not read my previous post about this matter. If you want to creat a own style modifying an original one from any PSR keyboard, you need first to use the StyleEdit from Michael Bedesem from SVPworld site. Download the StyleEdit from Michael P. Bedesem. With this software you can easily only by clicking in a check box, take out the protection against to edit tracks others than 9 and 10 in a PSR 2000 style. After, you can edit all events of all tracks. Also in the previous models like 740 or 730 it's the same way. I don't know about 9000 but I guess it's the same.
#187020 - 12/12/0108:43 AMRe: Is this possibly a serious PSR2000 Bug ? ! ? ! ?
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Registered: 12/01/99
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Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Carlos: Many THANKS for your clarification here. I guess I somehow misunderstood you the first time. I had mistakenly thought that though Mr Besedem's 'Style Edit' program unlocked all the style tracks, it only allowed you to actually perform the style track editing (step edit) from within 'Style Edit' itself (on your PC), not from the PSR2000. It is now clear that 'Style Edit' is basically a utility software which 'unlocks' the style tracks so you can go back and re-load the style into the keyboard and edit from the PSR2000.
Are you RECORD ENABLING the part you want to record?
I can record/edit any part with no problem. To select a track for recording you have to first HOLD the REC soft button, i think the third button at right of the screen AND press the button adjacent to the part at bottom of screen. Then you will see letters REC with the part. Now that part is set for recording. Go to Event mode for editing or STEP recording.
#187022 - 12/12/0106:08 PMRe: Is this possibly a serious PSR2000 Bug ? ! ? ! ?
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Hi Shakil, Yes, I was actually able to record, but not without deleting the existing track(s) first. With Michael Besedem's 'StyleEdit' software , http://www.svpworld.com/util_styleedit.htm it's now possible to not only record a fresh track (afater deleting the original one first), but also, append notes of an existing track (in real time) or edit in step record mode.
[This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 12-12-2001).]