Grandpa Doug, I think they're being facetious.
Plus they both own Yamaha's and they're rathered prejudiced.
You've got to admit that Yamaha is stacked at the top of the heap when it comes to an Arranger Keyboard with a boat load of features with the sounds to match. But I agree in your philosophy Doug; try them all out and get the one that best suits YOU, ME, HIM, HER, IT???, etc. I have a PSR 2000 and although I like it very much, if you've been reading these threads lately you notice that I have not made Yamaha out as god or something to that effect but I am actively seeking other avenues in Arranger Keyboard makes and models. The lastest being the Korg Pa1x/Pro. I had high hopes that it would be my next "Pro" Arranger Keyboard then Korg goes a pulls a fast one by only giving the Pa1X/Pro "62" note Polyphony so in theory I would actually be stepping down and not up in the world of Arrangers by the fact that I already own a "64" note Polyphony Arranger in the PSR 2000. But I am not disheartened at all really because eventually there WILL be a Professional Arranger made that will be the ONE that's over the top and then I will purchase it; Lord willing and the River don't rise.
, regardless of the Manufacturer. I'm really hoping though that Yamaha will be the one that comes through in its production and creation because of the great User base there is on Yamaha Arrangers. Tons and tons of Styles, Registrations, Multi-Pads, etc., or better put; Mega bytes upon Mega bytes of em' just waiting to be downloaded plus all the wealth of knowledge on Yammie Arrangers from the Yahoo Groups, SZ, and other Forums on the internet. They're a great bunch of people and I think some of them know more about different Yamaha Arrangers than Yamaha does.
Best regards,