I didn trealize this message was still here.. and i noticed no one replied.. hehe well i kinda forgot i had posted it .. anyways the problem was worked out.. seems that every time i booted up cakewalk on my computer.. i noticed that the echo settings on the korg was changing.. at the time i wasnt sure what was causeing it.. thinkign it was something coming from seperate midi patcher...so i would load in my settings all the time i used cakewalk ...
i didnt realize that cakewalk was doing it.. and DOING it for a purpose.. the KORG's echo did NOT need to be on as Cakewalk was eching the notes back to the korg.
So i realized the the CAKEWALK was ONLY temporary changing the settings on the KORG.. which was a GOOD thing.. i just never realized it cause of the way i had things routed in my MIDI PATCHER. SO have to seti the patcher up with different presets when i am doign different stuff between the keyboard and the cakewalk.. so i can call up the the toher synth moduals when i am not using cakewalk!
it is hard to explain the way i have it set up.. but the echo problems are OK.. it was just a matter of tracing all my midi signals and seeing how the patcher was looping it all through!..
