Believe it or not I would agree with some of your comments. I think there is always a place for inovative performers challenging the popular and accepted genres of the time. If there are not artists willing to take the risk then any art form becomes stale.
I also agree that all any of us can do is to make the best of what we have and run with it. However, (I bet you knew that was coming

) what constantly underlies your posts, (in this thread at least), is your complete antipathy to anything or anyone who in your opinion fit your 'swell guy' performer model.
You seem to be saying that you are successful, (and i do not dispute that you are), despite not having the advantages taken for granted by 'swell guy'. Well that is fine and all credit to you for it but why then the need to qualify it by pouring scorn on those who you feel fit the 'swell guy' type. Even the term itself is negative and invites images of hair gel and me at least!
You have made a lot of assumptions about people here without actually bothering to get to know them first. Of course that works both ways and I admit that I have formed an opinion about you and in reality know nothing about you.
For example I made a throw away 'gag' about sipping gin and you seem to have me down as an aged Noel Coward 'sniping away at an audience. Would that I had the talent but nothing could be futher from the truth. I am not a 'swell guy', am not one of the beautiful people and have never had it easy. Like you I have had to fight to be where I am (I am not a performer) but the difference is that I hold no grudge against anyone who had a bit more help getting there.
I am the first to admit that my posting style can come across as moralistic and high handed. I don't intend it that way but when you feel passionate and protective about something, ( as I as many others do about this BBS) then I suppose it is easy to get all evangelical about it.
Your confrontational style is not, (to use an English expression), my cup of tea. All it has achieved is to make me think of you a certain way when quite probably you are not as I assume at all. Whatever merit your subsequent posts or advice have they now have to break that barrier first (with me at least). Probably my loss, but again it works both ways. Anything I have said to you is probably dismissed as the ravings of a gin soaked octogenarian BBS control freak. (In the interests of clarity I am 32 and gin makes me sick

Of course you are quite free to be as confrontational as you please. You can rock the boat all you want. Nothing comes for free though and you can't shake things up by taking your 'shots' and not expect the natives to shoot back.