1) All members are free to participate in the forum with candid thoughts which have been tempered with appropriate tone and general politeness
2) Likewise, all members who participate should also understand that this is a public web forum and that people are basically free to respond in any fashion they chose.
Our community really doesn't cater to the totally abusive, crude and foul mouth type crowd...combine basic manners and a receptiveness to comments of various ilks...we should be fine.
Bill in Dayton
Nigel has done a superb job and obviously uses his head and great discretion with his decisions. If one is not careful and to many rules are laid down the fun also flys out the window. Enough of my 2 cents worth. Keep up the great work Nigel
I love both Bill�s and Jerry�s posts, they seem to say it all.
I say enough has been said about everything, it is time to talk about the positives and help makes this forum one fantastic place. If you search long enough you will always find areas you disapprove of, even in your own home. Our job is to look at the big picture,
1- It is Nigel�s forum
2-He has given us a place visits to read and learn and enjoy. Anything we add should be to build and not to destroy.
My feeling is that if I keep complaining about the few who have let their personal issues damage this forum we will be helping them and adding to the problems that we are complaining about.
It is time for rebuilding. Have you noticed that when a problem occurs, the overcoming of that problems leaves us with a better than before place. We have the opportunity to do just that, so let�s do it. End all the negative talk.
I do understand the topic is, �What do you like and dislike about the forum?� and some very good points have been made, but I could not resist.
It�s now time to build;
What knowledge, story or experience can I add to this forum that will help my friends in what they are doing. How can I help make this forum better than it was before.
Only my simple thinking, John C.