Merhaba GK!Hello in Turkish!
Thanx four your replie on my qestions This far!
I buyed a pa 80 yesterday!
I,m happy!I like the functions sounds styles & sample inport possibilities!
But i reed in this!!!
High performance Solid-State Disk
The solid-state disk, which can hold up to 20Mb of compressed data, is the latest in disk technology and gives higher performance than ordinary Flash Rom. Plus, you can select Styles directly from the disk or Hard Disk at the touch of a button - no loading operation needed.
--------------------------------------------Kaye whats is this!!!
Is there a new function on the pa80?
Or is it a new ad on!I cant find any other slot on the back panel on pa80 to use whit the SDD (Solid State Disk)If so the thing what we can do is the best ever on the kb world.
Than i can sample or import from KSF(Korg Sample File)From Trinity/Triton/ Wav/ or Aiff & save the sampled sounds on PA80!
Wooow!That could be the option i was loking four in years now!
Please help me find it out!
I also heard thet the next os will support 16/or 32 meg sample cards!Is this true???
Please help me GK/Dano/Scotye/BOB G!
Thanx & Bye!
Sory Mys Swedish Englis!