Graham: I typically trigger pitch bend (1/2 step note bend) a split second before I play the note I want to bend 'up to' on the keyboard, and then release the pitch bend almost immediately. This creates the impression of approaching (sliding) the note from 1/2 step below. I generally apply pitch bend when approaching the longer notes.
Many of the principal soloing guitar notes (which benefit from pitch bend) occur 'right on' the chord changes, so I can't figure out how you guys are able have your left hand finger triggering the new chord and playing the pitch wheel 'at the same' time. hmmmm. I don't know about you guys (and gals), but I only have 2 hands.

I hope to hear MORE from others on this.
Donny: I agree with you that it's "what it sounds like when you're playing" that really counts, but I think utilizing pitch bend (especially for country tunes) is an essential element to making a country tune sound 'authentically' country.
I concur with AJ (Bluezplayer) & Shiral re: joystick vs wheel. I used to own a Korg O1W/FD synth and miss having the joystick. I wish that Yamaha (and others) would replace the pitch/mod 2 wheel combination with a single joystick. I wonder why they did this? Are two wheels cheaper to manufacter than a single joystick (or the other way around)?
This is truly a special forum to me because it gives us all here an opportunity to share our many different & varied arranger playing styles, which then leads to each of us exploring new techniques we may never (individually) have considered before. Arranger keyboard playing is a relataively new art and requires special skills. I think the mainstream music community is beginning to finally take notice of what we do. - Scott