Originally posted by Dreamer:
Mike, what about a little apology with both the dutch and the norwegian members of our Forum? In my opinion you succeeded in the not-so-easy task of killing two birds with one stone, i.e. offending TWO countries with just one posting.
I am impressed!
Let me start by saying I had no intention by my words of offending anyone let alone killing two birds with one stone as you describe.
Aren't people in Norway considered Norwegians? My statement was concerning people which I thought were in Noordwijk, which is in Norway, no?
Believe me Andrea, there was no bitterness or ill will directed towards anybody in my statements. I was simply telling a "matter of fact" statement (something that I preceived by observation) and I was trying to do it in a joking way, as you should be able to tell by the use of my smilies.
I think something got lost in the translation as they say.
I realize that if you are not of American descent and haven't grown up speaking English in America then it can be difficult to correctly analyze and decipher the underlying intent of our writings in some instances... Like the one I wrote.
Which I'm sure would be the same scenario for me trying to correctly decipher Italian's lingo and their underlying intent in some cases, even though they do speak English.
So let me say it again Doctor
, there was no 'ill' feelings at all toward anybody in my post. Just for the record....
You do keep records, don't you Andrea?
Being a Pediatrician they should be a mile high or so I would reckon.
Best regards,