Originally posted by tony mads usa:
Rhode Island is trying to ban smoking in vehicles where a small child is present ... I have often wanted to go up to one of these cars and ask the driver just what the HELL they are thinking ?!?!? ....
Tony, where were you when my mother use to smoke in the car when I was a young one? I use to hate it, in those days I was told to keep my mouth shut. Now it's child abuse!!
Probably never mentioned I spent most of my working career in sales for RJ Reynolds. Mind you I never wanted to be a cigarette salesman when I grew up. I needed a job at that time, I had been working as a liquor salesman and that job was going to kill me, drank more than I sold some days

Short story is there was an opening at RJR and I took it. Contrary to popular belief my job was not to lure in young smokers, in fact when it came to schools we were under strict orders not to promote our products. It was a great paying job, company car, 401k, retirement and when I took the early retirment program they paid my tuition at New England Tech that got me my full time job in IT today. Sorry for the rambling, but I'm with you I find cigarette smoke very offensive and adults should not be smoking in the car with children.
[This message has been edited by Stephenm52 (edited 01-30-2007).]