Here are the 'additions' to the new Tyros2:
An optionally installed hard disk drive.
• Super Articulation Technology - 40 playable MegaVoices
• Audio Rendering: optional hard drive recording at CD quality
• Newly-designed high quality keyboard action
• Up to 1 GB Custom Voice sample/playback (Wave, AIFF)
• Internet Direct Connect: connect directly to Internet content
• RGB/Video out: connect to a computer monitor or display device
• USB "To Device": storage devices & USB "To Host": 32 MIDI channels
• Text file viewer for lyrics, song or Registration information
The Tyros has a Video Output (RCA), but can't connect to a computer monitor like the Tyros2 can, although I hook my Tyros video output to my Sony XBR 35" TV and the quality is quite good. It's nice the Tyros2 can connect to a computer monitor though.
I think the 40 playable Mega Voices is the main selling point on the Tyros2 since the Polyphony is the same as the Tyros at 128 as is the WAV ROM at 96 MB. At least from the specs on the Music123 web site anyway. The supposedly better action keybed of the Tyros2 is another draw but the original Tyros' keybed is not at all bad and is basically the same as is on the Motif ES6/7, having owned both i.e. (Tyros and Motif ES7).
Audio Rendering is nice but my Tyros combined with Sony Sound Forge 7.0 provides a much greater capability for recording and editing as will most every other audio recording software. But a nice feature nonetheless since it is recorded directly to the Keyboard's hard drive albeit only 2 tracks total.
Up to a Gig of Wave/AIFF Custom Voice/Sample playback is a big draw also for those wanting a Sampler with the same editing capabilities as the Sampler on the Motif ES series keyboards. At least that's what I got from the info on the web site.
USB to Device as is on the PSR 3000 and Motif ES, etc. Being able to hook up a Thumb drive, etc. is very convenient although it would have been nice to include a Compact Flash/SD Digital media slot also. Although I'm glad they didn't put a Smart Media slot on the Tyros2 seeing it is an obsolescent spec. Btw, the Tyros has 32 MIDI Channels also.
Internet Direct Connect is a good idea but I still don't think Yamaha has an operational Direct Connect Internet site available yet, correct? It's still a novelty idea until it's up and fully operational. And when will that be?? Humm...
I still find it hard to believe Yamaha didn't increase the WAV ROM capacity. And also, how much USER MEMORY are we talking here? More than the Tyros' 3.3 MB's I hope?
Although looking at the Specs it looks like most of the Specs are referring to the current Tyros. So maybe the Polyphony and WAV ROM have been increased on the Tyros2. And again hopefully the USER MEMORY has also.
Best regards,
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 09-20-2005).]