Hi all,
I am not trying to blow my own trumpet or anything like that but I want to share some news with you all.
A while ago I started writing my own songs, just for the fun of it really and to see if I could do it. Our very own Scott Yee was the first who heard my song 'Alone' and because of his encouragement I put it on my web page and many of you were kind enough to mail me giving your opinions. This along with Scott's constant support and encouragement prompted me to believe in my own ability a little more.
A few weeks ago I sent a couple of my songs to the Guild of International Songwriters and composers for assessment. Today I recieved the reports back and am very pleased to say the least. I won't go into all the details but they were very positive and recommend that I send the songs to publishers, record companies and producers!
The song they most liked, (called Prove it... hence this thread title!), scored excellent on all points apart from vocal ability (well it was me singing on the demo!!!). They think it has...
... "an excellent commercial value for an artiste to pick up on and record and for publishing." and " subject to exploitation is potential hit material."
Like I say I did not post this to appear big headed. I am just really pleased and it has given my confidence as a writer a massive boost.
Without this forum and the friends I have made here I would not EVER have considered letting anyone hear my work at all. So thank you all. Another very special and warm thanks to Scott for telling me I had a talent and for keeping on telling me even when he knew I did not believe him!

I know this is only a small step but it is one I would not have taken without the kindness and support of my friends here.
Gee the way I am going on you would think that the song had won a Novello award

Well if one of mine ever does then you have just read my acceptance speech

Tony (Very happy)