I decided to take some time off from the various forums I visit several times a day. I'm not sick, and I ain't dying anytime soon that I know of. I'm just not getting all the other things done that I should, therefore in order to accomplish the goals that I've set forth for the next few months I decided to answer emails only and stay away from the forums.
I thoroughly enjoy reading the various posts, and whenever possible, helping others with problems where I have some degree of expertise. Unfortunately, I have been spending the better part of 4 to 5 hours every day on the forums, then performing 1 to 4 hours a day, which left little time for anything else. Therefore, a brief respite of a month or two is in order, during which time I hope to get my sailboat ready for the upcoming sailing season, plus finish a multitude of repairs around the house.
As Arnold Swartznager said "I'll be back!"
Travlin' Easy