I posted earlier about using the loop Out and loop IN with an external mixer. This greatly enhances the versitility of the on board speakers as monitors.
Take the loop OUT - plug IN to a mixer channel. next........
Take the mixer outs, and plug back into the loop IN on the Yammy. This brings the keyboard signal into the speakers AFTER the mixer channel.
Now you can blend vocals, MD's, CD's whatever along with the keyboard sounds and feed them directly to a mixer in a PA.
You'll need a mixer that has more trhan one set of outputs to do this right, because the main mixer outs feed the PA and the aux mixer outs feed the KB speakers.
The main volume knob on the 9k now works a a monitor volume only. You can adjust any signal to the main, and keep the monitor volume separate. The manual shows a picture of this setup. It's a dream.
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