Very interesting reading, but .......
when a "musician" use a keyboard, "play" midifiles as
playback and sing along, is'nt that a kind of karaoke too?
By using the sequensed songs, or even by using the autocomp
is a kind of playback, only performed in a different way
than the "real" karaoke-machines.
At least the karaoke-singers are honest about what they do,
and do not fake to be a "live player" (or performer) as
many of the "artists" I've seen around lately.
Also "mini-disks" containing playback is a usual method
among the musicans nowadays. And again, is'nt that a kind of
karaoke too??
Some years ago, before this "wonder-machines" was a fact,
there usualy was a band, duo or trio etc., but now there
is very much "one man bands" performing in weddings and
other local arrangements around.
Thanks to this "automatic music machines" as we call
keyboards, also there is a lot of people try to add more
income by do this kind of work, and the big competition
lower the prices, and this make it very hard for any who
want to make a living only by performing.
Anyway, I love to see that people have fun, and karaoke is
fun too, but I also love to play on my keyboard, specially if
it's along with other friends who share the music as a great
and health-bringing hobby.

Happy playing!