Originally posted by DannyUK:
Well ok ive answered my own question. It does indeed create a folder called DIRECTHD but does not override anything, just bypassing all the PA80 stuff that was originally there. I've forgotten how to load an indivdual style into a custom bank thats empty - been a while since i did it on the PA80!
Hi DannyUK
You have 2 ways to do that:
1� via
Download the styles from floppy to user styles banks (1,2 and 3) and after copy from these banks to HD. (not easy).
1�- Via your computer (very easy). You can copy styles from computer HD or floppy to PA1X HD, create and delete folders etc. Like you do in Windows.
In this case press the button DISK (USB/CD) and enable. Now you will see in your computer the PA1X HD. Maybe it takes some time).
You will see 3 Sets: set 1 (banks 1 (USER01.STY), 2(USER02.STY) and 3 USER03.STY)); set 2 (banks 4(USER01.STY),5 (USER02.STY) and 6 (USER03.STY)); set 3 (7 (USER01.STY), 8 (USER02.STY) and 9 (USER03.STY)).
Remember:All your styles are inside the file USER01/2/3.STY (up to 32 styles).
After you copy the styles to DIRECTHD switch of and on the PA1X.
How to accesss the DIRECTHD to play styles?
To access the styles in HD, you have to press the button DIRECTHD on the left of panel and you will see two leds on. Now you can press these buttons 1 to 9. (the same bottons to select 8/16 Beat1, Latin1 , Ballad, Rock, user1, .....)and play.
Let me know if you understand my explanation