Originally posted by seanbaker:
Suppose I want to take the bass pattern from one style and put it in another. Is there a way to do that without using a program/style editor? Is there some way to export the bass part as an SMF to the hard drive and then go to the style I want to put it into and load it back in in place of the other part? I'm a little new at all of this so I'm sorry if this sounds elementary to all of you pros. The manual mentions a free program from Korgpa.com that does some of this. Anyone tried this? What is it?
seanbaker, yes you can do that either by editing an original style or building style from stratch.
-You can select the style you want to edit.
-Press the record botton and select "record/edit current style" and hit okay on the touch screen. Now you're in the record mode, but you only want to copy diff. style track so press the menu botton right below the tempo/value dial and a new screen pops up.
-Now select "Style Edit" on the touch screen and now you're in a diff. screen. At the bottom of the screen, there are eight tabs. Select "copy from style" tab. The next screen is where you can copy any style parts, variatons, etc... Just make sure you press "EXECUTE" each time you copy a part.
-When you're done copying style parts, press the drop down arrow at the very top right corner of the screen and select "write style", name your newly build custum style and press "select" to slect your style location. After selecting the location, press the "exit" botton on the keyboard. Now you should be back to the write style screen. Hit the "OKAY" on the touch screen. A message pops up asking "are you sure", hit "yes" to confirm and you're set and ready to play your new custom build style!!
Sorry for the long explanation, but I hope this will help you in building your custom styles.