#200574 - 08/14/06 12:16 PM
Re: Faking Performance
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Registered: 12/01/99
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Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Originally posted by DNJ: Using SMF w/lyrics/score, custom or commercial is a big part & very strong feature of using an arranger KB.... Lip syncing, Air guitaring, fake playing & singing is part of the show in many big acts all over the world . . . BUT they love the Show because its entertaining, Looks good, & Sounds good & that's the bottom line. . . I find Purist attitudes boring sorry. Donny: My attitude has nothing to do with being a purist, but merely holding the standards of musicial honesty and integrity. Please watch this 'must see': WMV (video) clip of which clearly demonstrates what I so disrespect! This video was sent to SZ member Heikki Kahkola (aka the wolf) by purported some pro musician entertainer by the name of Johnny, in Silkborg, Dennmark. Accompying the video clip, Johnny wrote this: "Hello again The video was taken saturday in Silkeborg I did not play anything I faked to your midi and waughh people liked it.. greetings.. Johnny" Not only did this guy (without permission rip off Heikki's midi file song performance), but had the nerve to attempt to give his audience the impression he was actually playing it live too.  Scott
#200575 - 08/14/06 12:59 PM
Re: Faking Performance
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Registered: 09/29/05
Posts: 6703
Loc: Roswell,GA/USA
Despite the well-thought-out responses, we have to keep in mind that they are all coming from people that play arranger keyboards. I'm sure that if this were a non-arranger keyboard forum, you'd get quite a different set of opinions. Who'd be right? Nobody. Let's be honest. We're all constantly trying to justify our actions, validate our approach to music, even when nobody gives a damn. You want the truth? Name your ten favorite keyboard players. How many play arranger keyboard? But back to the original question. Are you faking it? The answer....some are, some aren't. If your intent is to deliberately deceive, whether or not ENTERTAINMENT is your goal, then yes, you are faking it. Of course, you don't need an arranger keyboard to do that, any old KB will do. So for me, "faking it" is 10% action and 90% intent. As a pilot, am I faking it when I shoot a perfect approach (in weather) with my very sophistocated auto-pilot? Do I get credit for operating the hell out of my auto-pilot? My passengers think so  . The plane owner without an auto-pilot thinks differently. Soooo, tell me what answer you want, I'll tell you which forum to visit. chas
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]
#200576 - 08/14/06 01:37 PM
Re: Faking Performance
Senior Member
Registered: 06/25/99
Posts: 16735
Loc: Benton, LA, USA
Chas said "Name your ten favorite keyboard players." Not in any order: Uncle Dave Donny Scott Gary Eddie Fran Al AJ DanO Nick Frank Hank Tom Semi All the Tonys Eric Robert Flavie Mike Craig Dorantes Genesys John Peter Paul Mary KF KFC Squeakster Spalding McGregor Starkeeper Starship Vadim Esh Glen Rikki Dikki Tikki Tim Lou Jorgen Bob Gelman Dennis Ian Taike Wolfie Jerry Terry Chas Charles Charlie Chuck Chony Cousin Ken Mr. Ed Mr. Fred Freddie Fredrick Angelo (all of them) Notlos Dreamer Tyrosman Russ NIGEL Pose Miden Jimmy Bebop BBum Boo Bo Bah 28 more guys you don't know, and 37 who I DO know and can't think of off the top of my head. Wait, you said 10. I know I've left a lot of them out, but ALL these guys play arrangers.  DonM I'm really old, and the rest of the names will appear in my brain as soon as I hit submit. [This message has been edited by DonM (edited 08-16-2006).]
#200581 - 08/14/06 03:35 PM
Re: Faking Performance
Senior Member
Registered: 11/17/99
Posts: 1150
Loc: netherlands
mmm...usually I stay away from these " sensitive" topics but I go on a holiday so what the h'ck. I think it is a non issue. It doesn't matter at all whether you are faking, playing real time, playing partly realtime or whatever. You are there to entertain your audience, because that's where they paid their money for. No matter how you do it! You don't perform for the maybe "one" musician who "might" be in the audience. Personally I prefer any full live band over any live playing arranger keyboardist and I prefer any live playing keyboardist over a midiplayer, that's not the issue... but there's a good reason why some dj's are doing very well.. They have a good show! (and are payed extremely well) This is my personal opinion so it is not an attack to anybody.. Fred (I really love DON's comment  )
Keyboards/Sound Units: Kurzweil 2600S, Roland VR-760, Acces Virus C, Roland G-800, Akai AX60, Minimoog, Machine Drum, Roland R8-M, mediastation x-76