Dear optinone,
There are some uses for synths/workstations/arranger keyboards that have speakers. My sk880 keyboard does not have speakers and there is use for that. However, my next keyboard will have speakers. I can take it any place, hook it up and start playing for fun. I missed that. Everytime, I need to play, I need to carry the keyboard, carry the two powered monitors, hook up the monitors,... you get the drill. While with keyboards that have speakers, I can simply turn it on and just play. As a musician, I do not just play when I want to record or perform professionally. I play the instrument for fun.
You are right. Having more polyphony does not imply that you have better sounds. But try to sequence a 16-track song with 10 polyphony synth? It will not do it. Furthermore, many single sounds require multiple polyphony each to become better quality. Have you tried to arrange a complex song? Have you ever considered looking into a classical symphony piece with multiple instruments? They sound good although they use many instruments. Extra polyphony alows you to orchrestrate and arrange brilliant complex arrangments. Between you and me, I believe that performances which consist of electric guitar, bass guitar, drums, and one generic synth in the background, can be better arranged if more instruments are added to it. Of course, you will need more musicians,......... or an arranger keyboard.
Concerning Itallian manufacturers, there are two companies GEM and Ketron. In my humble opinion, these two companies make some of the best keyboards in the market. I personally like GEM very much and I use their keyboards. Now Genesys is promising to be the best sounding keyboard ever and it is an arranger keyboard. So maybe after all, you really need to consider arranger keyboards if you want to get the best sounds.
I realise that many are skeptical of arranger keyboards. I have no problem with keeping a good thing a secret. As long as companies target my needs, I do not try to sell my way of music.