Originally posted by BlkNotes:
Dear DNJ;
Would you be able to expound upon why the Mackie SRM 350s + KCW1s are awesome? i.e what about them excel? How is the imagining, projection, transparency, natural presentation etc... Wondering why you went with the above combo vs. the larger Mackie SRM450s
Do you use the combo just for keyboards? If you sing, describe the vocal presentation
What other combos did you try before you settled on the Mackie/Roland pair?
Previously I was using the Mackie 450's [old versions] which kept overheating and shutting off on stage due to the thermo heat cutoffs,the 350 has a NEW heat exchnage system that is purly wonderfull & well thouht out to eliminate that problem]....Then I tried the Barbetta Sona 32c's and had a very nice run with those, I was happy with the sound, but I wanted more overall robust sound and bottom end too, and formost Veratility for all the different jobs and venues I perform at.
I discussed this Uncle Dave and after analizing the situation and my setup and my needs Dave came up with a perfect combination for my style and venues.....The 350's & roland Sub lets me have a great Big sound on the bigger jobs, just two 350 speakers alone for the mid size gigs, and for smaller intimate gigs I use one 350.....this veratlity if perfect for me...My vocals ae my main draw and this combo sounds excellent crisp highs [horn gives a nice wide dispersment] and tight bottom with the Sub.....the 350's are no slouches alone either but vs the 450's... its mainly the weight and size for me.
I have performed with Uncle Dave's Bose Pas system also with amazing results that have to be heard too believe. But again you have to buy whats right for YOUR needs.....

[This message has been edited by Dnj (edited 02-02-2005).]
[This message has been edited by Dnj (edited 02-03-2005).]