Originally posted by George Kaye:
I can remember my dad getting a phone call on a Sunday afternoon from Danny asking him to fly up to San Francisco for dinner at a Chinese Restaurant Danny loved to eat at time after time.
Hi George, I'm betting
that the San Francisco Chinese Restaurant your Father & Danny dined at is
The Mandarin , the well known by San Franciscans as Mr. Kaye's favorite, with pics of him, and other legendary chefs (James Beard & Chuck Williams (of Williams-Sonoma) & celebs adorning a wall. Though no longer run by
Cecilia Chiang , longtime associate & a Chinese cooking instructor of Mr. Kaye's, The Mandarin remains in business today. I too remember my parents taking me to "The Mandarin" when I was a kid. It was indeed a memorable dining experience, which included (from Ghiradelli Square) a terrific view of the San Francisco Bay & Alcatraz Island.